
JsonAPI decoder and encoder functions

elm-package install FabienHenon/jsonapi 1.1.0


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elm package install FabienHenon/jsonapi

JsonApi allows you to decode and encode json content conforming to the Json Api spec. We can decode and encode resources and their relationships.

Decoding resources


First, you need to declare your types:

type alias Post =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , title : String
    , content : String
    , creator : Creator
    , comments : List Comment

type alias Creator =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , firstname : String
    , lastname : String

type alias Comment =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , content : String
    , email : String

With these records we will retrieve resources of type Post. These posts contain one Creator and one or many Comments.


Then you have to define your resource decoder as well as the decoders for the relationships you need:

import JsonApi exposing (ResourceInfo)
import JsonApi.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode as JD exposing (map4, succeed, field, string, map6, Decoder)

commentDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Comment
commentDecoder resourceInfo =
    map4 Comment
        (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo))
        (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo))
        (field "content" string)
        (field "email" string)

creatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator
creatorDecoder resourceInfo =
    map4 Creator
        (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo))
        (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo))
        (field "firstname" string)
        (field "lastname" string)

postDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post
postDecoder resourceInfo =
    map6 Post
        (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo))
        (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo))
        (field "title" string)
        (field "content" string)
        (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder)
        (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder)

Your decoders will be passed a ResourceInfo containing internal information about how to decode the resources and their relationships. From this ResourceInfo you can also get the resource's id and links.

Then you only need to decode your resource as usual using the decoder of your choice.

If you need to decode relationships you have 2 functions: relationship and relationships. While the former will decode a unique relationship, the later will decode a list of relationships.

These functions are given the type of the relationship to decode from the relationships json attribute, the ResourceInfo object, and the relationship decoder.


Finally you will want to decode your json payload and retrieve your resources:

Decode.resources "posts" postDecoder

By calling the function resources you are creating your final decoder. You have to pass it the type of your resources, your resource decoder and it will return a Decoder for a List of your resource. You can also call resource that will return a Decoder a instead of Decoder (List a). Useful when you will have only one resource in your payload

You can then finally decode your payload:

decode : Result String (List Post)
decode =
        Json.Decode.decodeString (Decode.resources "posts" postDecoder) payload

payload : String
payload =
        "data": [
                "type": "posts",
                "id": "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad",
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-post/1"
                "attributes": {
                    "title": "First post",
                    "content": "First post content"
                "relationships": {
                    "creator": {
                        "data": {
                            "type": "creators",
                            "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad"
                        "links": {
                            "related": "http://link-to-creator/1"
                    "comments": {
                        "links": {},
                        "data": [
                                "type": "comment",
                                "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab"
                                "type": "comment",
                                "id": "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f"
                "type": "posts",
                "id": "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ae",
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-post/2"
                "attributes": {
                    "title": "Second post",
                    "content": "Second post content"
                "relationships": {
                    "creator": {
                        "data": {
                            "type": "creators",
                            "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad"
                        "links": {
                            "related": "http://lnk-to-creator/1"
                    "comments": {
                        "links": {},
                        "data": [
                                "type": "comment",
                                "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ac"
        "included": [
                "type": "creators",
                "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad",
                "attributes": {
                    "firstname": "John",
                    "lastname": "Doe"
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-creator/1"
                "relationships": {}
                "type": "comment",
                "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ac",
                "attributes": {
                    "content": "Comment 1 content",
                    "email": "john@doe.com"
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-comment/1"
                "relationships": {}
                "type": "comment",
                "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab",
                "attributes": {
                    "content": "Comment 2 content",
                    "email": "john@doe.com"
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-comment/2"
                "relationships": {}
                "type": "comment",
                "id": "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f",
                "attributes": {
                    "content": "Comment 3 content",
                    "email": "john@doe.com"
                "links": {
                    "self": "http://link-to-comment/3"
                "relationships": {}

Encoding resources


You first need to declare your types:

type alias Post =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , title : String
    , content : String
    , creator : Creator
    , comments : List Comment

type alias Creator =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , firstname : String
    , lastname : String

type alias Comment =
    { id : String
    , links : Dict String String
    , content : String
    , email : String

We will encode a list of Posts. Each Post containing a list of Comments and a Creator.

ResourceInfo functions

Then you will have to create a few functions to transform your data to ResourceInfo:

postToResource : Post -> ResourceInfo
postToResource post =
    JsonApi.build "posts"
        |> JsonApi.withId post.id
        |> JsonApi.withLinks post.links
        |> JsonApi.withAttributes
            [ ( "title", string post.title )
            , ( "content", string post.content )
        |> JsonApi.withRelationship "creator" (JsonApi.relationship post.creator.id (creatorToResource post.creator))
        |> JsonApi.withRelationship "comments" (JsonApi.relationships (List.map commentRelationship post.comments))

creatorToResource : Creator -> ResourceInfo
creatorToResource creator =
    JsonApi.build "creators"
        |> JsonApi.withId creator.id
        |> JsonApi.withLinks creator.links
        |> JsonApi.withAttributes
            [ ( "firstname", string creator.firstname )
            , ( "lastname", string creator.lastname )

commentRelationship : Comment -> ( String, ResourceInfo )
commentRelationship comment =
    ( comment.id, commentToResource comment )

commentToResource : Comment -> ResourceInfo
commentToResource comment =
    JsonApi.build "comment"
        |> JsonApi.withId comment.id
        |> JsonApi.withLinks comment.links
        |> JsonApi.withAttributes
            [ ( "content", string comment.content )
            , ( "email", string comment.email )

We have a function that transforms a Post object to a ResourceInfo, a Creator to a ResourceInfo and a Comment to a ResourceInfo. Because we have many Comments in a Post we will need a small function to creator our commentRelationship.


Finally, once you have your data you can encode it:

encode : List Post -> String
encode posts =
    Encode.resources (List.map postToResource posts) |> Json.Encode.encode 0


To run the examples go to the examples directory, install dependencies and run elm-reactor:

> cd examples/
> elm package install
> elm-reactor


You can install elm packages in tests folder and run tests with elm-test