
Elm package for working with "lists" of all kinds (ul, ol, table, etc.)

elm-package install RomanErnst/updated-list 2.0.0


Updated List

Elm package for working with \"lists\" of all kinds (ul, ol, table, etc.)


module Main exposing (..)

import UpdatedList as UL
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)

type UpdateRow
    = SetName String

type Msg
    = ChangeList (UL.ListItemAction UpdateRow)

viewItem : String -> Html (UL.Id -> UL.ListItemAction UpdateRow)
viewItem item =
    tr []
        [ td [] [ text item ]
        , td []
            [ button [ onClick UL.AddListItem ] [ text "Add" ]
            , button [ onClick UL.RemoveListItem ] [ text "Remove" ]
            , button [ onClick UL.EditListItem ] [ text "Edit" ]

disableItem : String -> Html (UL.Id -> UL.ListItemAction UpdateRow)
disableItem item =
    tr []
        [ td [] [ text item ]
        , td [] []

editItem : String -> Html (UL.Id -> UL.ListItemAction UpdateRow)
editItem item =
    tr []
        [ td [] [ input [ value item, onInput <| UL.UpdateListItem << SetName ] [] ]
        , td []
            [ button [ onClick UL.SaveListItem ] [ text "Save" ]
            , button [ onClick UL.CancelEditListItem ] [ text "Cancel" ]

view : UL.Model String -> Html Msg
view model =
    table []
        [ thead []
            [ tr []
                [ th [] [ text "Name" ], th [] [ text "Actions" ] ]
        , tbody []
            ( ( ChangeList) <| UL.createItemsView model viewItem editItem disableItem)

update : Msg -> UL.Model String -> ( UL.Model String, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChangeList action ->
            ( UL.updateList action model updateRow, Cmd.none )

updateRow : UpdateRow -> String -> String
updateRow msg _ =
    case msg of
        SetName name ->

names : List String
names =
    [ "John", "Ann", "Lisa" ]

init : ( UL.Model String, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( UL.init
        { itemList = names
        , emptyElement = ""
    , Cmd.none

main : Program Never (UL.Model String) Msg
main =
    program { init = init, view = view, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }

subscriptions : a -> Sub Msg
subscriptions msg =