
A wrapper for elm/url that allows to use other protocols than http and https.

elm-package install andre-dietrich/elm-url-extension 1.0.0



This is a simple wrapper for the elm/url package that allows to use different protocols than http and https. The file and ftp protocols are supported by default, but as the example shows, you can also define your own custom types.

import UrlExtension as URL

|> URL.fromStringWithProtocol ["ipfs", "custom"]
--> Just { fragment = Nothing, host = "bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq", path = "/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh.html", port_ = Nothing, protocol = CUSTOM "ipfs", query = Nothing }

|> URL.fromStringWithProtocol ["ipfs", "custom"]
|> URL.toString
--> Just "ipfs://bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh.html"

Note: For Url parsing it still uses the original functions from the Url module.

Future Work

Actually it would be great to use also the standards for other web protocols, such as ftp, which allows for example to define ftp://user:password@url.domain. @ symbols are not allowed by http?s to be part of the hostname, thus this will not be parsed by this package...