
Create beautiful examples to show off your Elm packages and projects

elm-package install avh4/elm-beautiful-example 1.0.2



This package makes it easy to create beautiful examples for your Elm projects and packages.

Screenshot of a Counter example using elm-beautiful-example


Start with your not-so-pretty Elm example:

Screenshot of the original, not-so-pretty Counter example from the Elm Guide

  1. Install elm-beautiful-example

    elm-package install avh4/elm-beautiful-example
  2. Replace Html.program or Html.beginnerProgram with BeautifulExample.program or BeautifulExample.beginnerProgram and add the beautiful example config, filling in the fields as appropriate for your example:

    +import BeautifulExample
     main : Program Never Model Msg
     main =
    -    Html.program
    +    BeautifulExample.program
    +        { title = "Counter"
    +        , details =
    +            Just """This shows how elm-beautiful-example can be used to
    +              wrap the view of any other program (in this case, the Counter example
    +              from the Elm Guide)."""
    +        , color = Just Color.blue
    +        , maxWidth = 400
    +        , githubUrl = Just "https://github.com/avh4/elm-beautiful-example"
    +        , documentationUrl = Just "http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/avh4/elm-beautiful-example/latest"
    +        }
             { init = ( model, Cmd.none )
             , update = update
             , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
             , view = view

Now your example will look like this:

Screenshot of a Counter example using elm-beautiful-example