
A simple chat component, easy to add to your user interface.

elm-package install billstclair/elm-chat 1.0.0


The billstclair/elm-chat package implements a simple chat component, designed to be easy to add to your user interface.

I use a WebSocket interface to feed it input, which you can see in my Archmage game.

The example/ElmChatExample.elm is a simple self-contained UI, with separate text input areas for two chatters. It's live at

You need to reserve space for the chat Settings record in your model:

type alias Model =
    { ...
    , chatSettings : ElmChat.Settings
    , ...

You need three messages, one to send chat input, one to update the settings, and one to receive chat input from the other side.

type Msg
   = ...
   | ChatUpdate Settings (Cmd Msg)
   | ChatSend String Settings
   | ChatReceive String
   | ...

When you initialize your model, create a Settings record:

init : ( Model, Msg )
init =
    ( { ...
      , chatSettings = ElmChat.makeSettings "chatid" 14 True ChatUpdate
      , ...

Inside your view function, create a chat display area: model.chatSettings

And an input box:

ElmChat.inputBox 40 "Send" ChatSend model.chatSettings

Handle the messages in your update function.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChatUpdate settings cmd ->
            ( { model | chatSettings = settings }
            , cmd
        ChatSend line settings ->
            update (ChatUpdate settings (sendLine line model)) model
        ChatReceive line ->
            let (settings, cmd) = ElmChat.addChat settings line
                update (ChatUpdate settings cmd) model

Where sendLine is a function you write that returns a Cmd to send the line over the wire.

You can style the UI components with the Settings.attributes property. See the code for details.

Bill St. Clair
24 September, 2017