
Parses GraphQL query document and provides interface for requests.

elm, elm-lang
elm-package install grrinchas/elm-graphql-client 1.0.0



elm-package install grrinchas/elm-graphql-client

Parses GraphqQL query document and provides interface to send requests. This allows us to write queries in GraphQL language instead of custom DSLs. And share same queries between different platforms. For example, Elm, Android, iOS etc.

Let's say we wish to execute a queries against the following schema

type Publication @model {
    id: ID! @isUnique

    title: String!
    image: String!
    content: String!
    owner: User! @relation(name: "UserOnPublication")

type User @model {
    id: ID! @isUnique

    username: String! @isUnique
    email: String! @isUnique
    picture: String! 

    publications: [Publication!]! @relation(name: "UserOnPublication")


First we create a queries.graphql file which will be served from http://localhost:3000/queries.graphql

query allPublications {
   allPublications {
       owner {

query user($id: ID!) {
   User(id: $id) {
       publications {

fragment publicationInfo on Publication {

fragment userInfo on User {

Then we create initial Payload which will be used to send requests.

initialPayload: Payload decoder
initialPayload =
    { queries = GraphQL.remote <| GraphQL.queries "http://localhost:3000/queries.graphql"
    , endpoint = GraphQL.endpoint "" ( "missing decoder")
    , name = ""
    , variables = []
  • queries - represents queries document. Because our document is not local, we wrap it in the GraphQL.remote.
  • endpoint - represents GraphQL endpoint. NOTE: that the library does not support automatic decoding, therefore we need to provide custom decoder for each request.
  • name - is the name of the query in the document. In our case it can be allPublications or user. NOTE: that shorthand queries are not supported and will be ignored, therefore each query must have a name.
  • We can pass variables - to the query.

Then we can query allPublications and user

type Msg 
    = GetPublications
    | GetUser String
    | OnFetchedPublications (Result Http.Error (List Publication))
    | OnFetchedUser (WebData User)

update: Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model = 
    case msg of 
        GetPublications -> 
                |> GraphQL.withName "allPublications"
                |> GraphQL.withDecoder publicationsDecoder
                |> GraphQL.send OnFetchedPublications
                |> (\cmd -> (model, cmd))
        GetUser id -> 
                |> GraphQL.withName "user"
                |> GraphQL.withDecoder userDecoder
                |> GraphQL.withVariables 
                    [ GraphQL.variable "id" id ]
                |> GraphQL.withAuthorisation model.token
                |> GraphQL.send ( RemoteData.fromResult )
                |> OnFetchedUser
                |> (,) model
        -- rest of the code 
  • For the first query we add a name and a decoder to initialPayload and send it.
  • For the second query we add extra variables and a Bearer token. And map it to RemoteData.

For complete example please refer to examples

Performance considerations

Note that for every query elm-graphql-client makes two requests:

  1. One request for queries document.
  2. And actual query to GraphQL endpoint.

Therefore, for production you may wish to embed queries document as a string and use GraphQL.local

localQuery: String
localQuery = "query allPublications { allPublications {id title} }"

initialPayload: Payload decoder
initialPayload =
    { queries = GraphQL.local (GraphQL.parseLocalQueries localQuery |> Result.withDefault [])
    , endpoint = GraphQL.endpoint "" ( "missing decoder")
    , name = ""
    , variables = []