
Geometry Utilities

elm-package install jxxcarlson/geometry 1.0.1



This package defines two top level geometric structures, LineSegment and Shape that can be manipulated and rendered in to SVG. A shape can be a Rect or an Ellipse:

type Shape
    = Rect ShapeData
    | Ellipse ShapeData

type alias ShapeData =
    { center : Vector
    , dimensions : Vector
    , strokeColor : ColorRecord
    , fillColor : ColorRecord

Here is how a typical Shape is created:

redColor = ColorRecord 255 0 0 1.0

ellipse = Ellipse (ShapeData (Vector 1 0) (Vector 2 2) redColor redColor)

One can move and rescale shapes:

moveTo (Vector 10 5) ellipse

scaleBy 2 ellipse

Here is how to render an ellipse into SVG:

draw ellipse

See the examples folder for demo code.