
array with a typed length range → safe access

array, elm, range, type-safe, vector
elm-package install lue-bird/elm-typesafe-array 4.0.0


elm typesafe array

Knowing more about the length of an Array at compile-time to help you access elements safely

    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n2 )
    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n1 )

gives the element, no Maybe if ticTacToeBoard's type proves it contains enough elements. Such a type could be:

type alias TicTacToeBoard =
    -- 3 by 3
    ArraySized (ArraySized Field (Exactly (On N3))) (Exactly (On N3))

type Field
    = Empty
    | X
    | O

ticTacToeBoard : TicTacToeBoard
ticTacToeBoard =
        (ArraySized.l3 Empty Empty O)
        (ArraySized.l3 Empty O Empty)
        (ArraySized.l3 O Empty Empty)

    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n2 )
    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n1 )
--→ Empty (indexes start with 1)

We & the compiler knew there were enough elements in ticTacToeBoard


  • 🔢 index, length : bounded-nat
    • n<x>, Min, In, Exactly, Up, Up<x>, On, N<x>, Add<x>
    • elm install lue-bird/elm-bounded-nat
  • ↔️ which side to face : linear-direction
    • Up | Down
    • elm install lue-bird/elm-linear-direction

just a quick look will be fine. You can always come back to understand types etc. deeper

Let's define & use operations for all kinds of ranges ↓

a minimum length?

import Linear exposing (Direction(..)) -- .. = Up, Down
import N exposing (In, On, Add1)
import ArraySized exposing (ArraySized)

last :
    ArraySized element (In (On (Add1 minFrom1_)) max_)
    -> element
last =
    ArraySized.element ( Down, n1 ) -- indexes start with 1

greatest :
    ArraySized comparable (In (On (Add1 minFrom1_)) max_)
    -> comparable
greatest =
    ArraySized.fold Up max

first ArraySized.empty -- compile-time error
greatest ArraySized.empty -- compile-time error

ArraySized ... (In (On (Add1 minFrom1_)) max_) means what exactly? → It constrains the length of possible ArraySizeds:

length is In a range

  • the minimum length constraint is, without adding anything, on 1 + a variable (1 + 0 | 1 + 1 | 1 + ...) → On (Add1 minFrom1_)
  • any maximum length constraint is allowed (even no maximum at all) → max_

The types are explained in more detail in bounded-nat

an exact length?

Like in the tic-tac-toe example

import Linear exposing (Direction(..))
import N exposing (n2, n4, n7, n8, N8, Exactly, On)
import ArraySized exposing (ArraySized)

type alias ChessBoard =
    -- 8 by 8
    ArraySized (ArraySized Field (Exactly (On N8))) (Exactly (On N8))

type Field
    = Empty
    | Piece PieceKind Color

type PieceKind
    = Pawn
    | Other --...

type Color
    = Black
    | White

initialChessBoard : ChessBoard
initialChessBoard =
        pawnRow color =
            ArraySized.repeat (Piece Pawn color) n8
        firstRow color =
            ArraySized.repeat (Piece Other color) n8
        |> ArraySized.push (firstRow White)
        |> ArraySized.push (pawnRow White)
        |> ArraySized.attach Up
            (ArraySized.repeat (ArraySized.repeat Empty n8) n4)
        |> ArraySized.push (pawnRow Black)
        |> ArraySized.push (firstRow Black)

    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n2 )
    |> ArraySized.element ( Up, n7 )
--> Piece Pawn White
--  (indexes start with 1)

a maximum length?

import N exposing (In, Up, To, N16)
import ArraySized exposing (ArraySized)

-- the max tag count should be 16
tag :
    ArraySized String (In min_ (Up maxTo16_ To N16))
    -> (Metadata -> MetadataTagged)
tag tags =

tag (ArraySized.l3 "fun" "easy" "simple") -- valid
tag (ArraySized.repeat "into-the-trends" n100) -- type error

ready? go!

Orasund's static-array – comparison

typesafe-array development started before static-array was published but the ideas are similar


  • static-array

    eleven =
        StaticArray.Length.ten |> StaticArray.Length.plus1
    StaticArray.fromList eleven 0 [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]

    makes it easy to forget the length if you add a new element or remove one

    StaticArray.fromList eleven 0 [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]

    the added element 11 is simply ignored!

  • typesafe-array

    ArraySized.l11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    ArraySized.l11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -- type error

    for more then 16 elements, you can always easily safely attach another ArraySized


  • static-array

    staticArray1, staticArray2 : StaticArray Six ...
        array1 =
            staticArray1 |> StaticArray.toRecord
        array2 =
            staticArray2 |> StaticArray.toRecord
        { length = StaticArray.Length.twelve
        , head = array1.head
        , tail = Array.append (array1.tail |> Array.push array2.head) array2.tail

    important note from static-array:

    Notice that we can NOT do addition in compile time, therefore we need to construct 6+6 manually

    → You can easily do

        { length = StaticArray.Length.eight
        , head = array1.head
        , tail = Array.empty
        |> StaticArray.get
            (StaticArray.Length.eight |> StaticArray.Index.last)
    --→ array1.head

    The supplied length type doesn't match its actual length → we silently got back an element at the wrong (first) index!

  • typesafe-array

    arr1, arr2 :
        ArraySized ... (In (Up6 minX_) (Up6 maxX_))
    arr1 |> ArraySized.attach Up arr2
    --: ArraySized ... (In (Up12 minX_) (Up12 maxX_))


length in a range

  • static-array

    maybePush :
        Maybe element
        -> StaticArray length element
        -> ? -- what result type?
    type MaybePushResult lengthBefore element
        = Pushed
                (StaticArray.Index.OnePlus lengthBefore)
        | DidntPush (StaticArray lengthBefore element)
    maybePush :
        Maybe element
        -> StaticArray length element
        -> MaybePushResult length element

    really inconvenient

  • typesafe-array

    pushMaybe :
        Maybe element
        -> ArraySized element (In min (Up x To maxPlusX))
        -> ArraySized element (In min (Up x To (Add1 maxPlusX)))

anything static-array is better at?

  • separating length and index types
  • simple, easy to understand types