
Router for single-page-apps in Elm

elm-package install pzingg/elm-navigation-extra 1.1.3



This is a package for routing single-page-apps in Elm, building on the elm-lang/navigation package. It is a variation of rgrempel's excellent rgrempel/elm-route-url package. I just wanted to see what a different flavor of setting up a Navigation.program with his routing protocols would look like.

I apologize for the massive amount of documentation and code copying from his package to this one, but perhaps it will clarify the differences.


Essentially, this package helps you to keep the URL displayed in the browser's location bar in sync with the state of your app. As your app changes state, the displayed URL changes to match. If the user changes the URL (through a bookmark, the back/forward button, or typing in the location bar), then your app changes state to match.

So, there are two things going on here:

  • Mapping changes in our app's state to changes in the browser's location.
  • Mapping changes in the browser's location to changes in our app's state.

Now, you can already arrange for these things to happen using elm-lang/navigation. Furthermore, there are already a wealth of complementary packages, such as:

So, what does this package (or elm-route-url, which it steals from) do differently than the others?

Mapping changes in the app state to a possible location change

If you were using elm-lang/navigation directly, then you would make changes to the URL with ordinary commands. So, as you write your update function, you would possibly return a command, using modifyUrl or newUrl.

In this package, the generation of these commands are encapsulated by a function that you must implement with this type signature:

delta2url : Model -> Model -> Maybe UrlChange

In your program's update function, whenever your model's state changes and you want to generate a new URL, you call delta2url with the previous model and the new model. Your delta2url implementation can analyze those two model states and possibly produce a change to the URL, encapsulated in the UrlChange type, or delta2url can return Nothing if the URL should stay the same. (The reason you get both the old and new model is because sometimes it helps you decide whether to create a new history entry, or just replace the old one).

You take the Maybe UrlChange result of delta2url and send it to this package's Navigation.Router.urlChanged function. This function does a comparison to make sure that the URL is actually different than the URL cached in the router's model and then if it really is a change, issues the Navgation.newUrl or Navigation.modifyUrl command.

This means:

  • You just calculate the appropriate URL, given the state of your app. automatically avoids creating a new history entry if the URL hasn't changed.

  • The router can automatically avoid an infinite loop if the change in the app's state was already the result of a URL change.

Of course, you can solve those issues with your own code. However, if you use this package, you don't have to.

Mapping location changes to messages our app can respond to

To handle location changes in the official navigation package in Elm 0.18 directly, you are asked to implement an argument to Navigation.program that converts a Location to a message type (that you name) whenever the URL changes. For purposes of discussion, let's assume you create this message type:

type Msg =
    LocationChanged Navigation.Location

and you set up your main module something like this:

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
  Navigation.program LocationChanged
    { init = init
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)

To use the loop-avoidance logic provided by this package, you have to keep the router updated when your program's init and update functions receive a new location.

To maintain the router's state, first put a Navigation.Router.Model member in your program's model:

type alias Model =
  { ... members to maintain your program's state ...
  , router : Navigation.Router.Model

Then in your program's init function, call this package's Navigation.Router.init function to set up the router's state when the location of the initial frame is received:

init : Navigation.Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init location =
  ( { ..., router = Navigation.Router.init }, Cmd.none )

In your program's update function, when you receive a LocationChanged message, you must let the router know (and let it check to see whether it is an "inside" or "outside" change) by calling the Navigation.Router.locationChanged function.

Then, you implement a function with this type signature:

location2messages : Location -> List Msg

location2messages lets your program respond to a new URL to change the state of your program by issuing new messages that can update the state. It's up to your implementation to parse the Location and generate zero or more messages that can change the state.

In the LocationChanged branch of your update function, you pass this location2messages function to a function that the Navigation.Router module provides, named processLocation.

processLocation calls back to your location2messages in two cases:

  1. With the initial frame's location

  2. When a location change is coming from the "outside", through a link, or the user typing into the browser's location bar, etc. (not from a state change that generated a new location via delta2url).


There is a simple counter application included that shows the coding that has to be added to a standard Navigation.program to make it all work. In the example delta2url changed the hash of the URL to include the value of the counter, like #!/2, and location2messages parses the hash into a list and generates a SetCount Int message (if the first member of the list is an integer) to update the counter.

The example shows how to build and parse the location hash two ways:

  • with the UrlParser module from the evancz/url-parser package.

  • or with the included Navigation.Builder module (which is identical to the Builder module from the rgrempel/elm-route-url package).


For the detailed API, see the documentation for Navigation.Router and Navigation.Builder (there are links to the right, if you're looking at the Elm package site).

Navigation.Builder (which is an Elm 0.18 upgrade of rgrempel's RouteUrl.Builder) is a module that makes it easy to construct and parse URL changes. However, you don't need to use it -- many other approaches would be possible, and there are links to helpful packages above.