⚡A fully-featured very fast file manager that runs inside your terminal. It's designed for Linux.

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go get


CLI File Manager

This is a basic file manager that runs inside your terminal.
This tool is designed for Linux.
It's fully responsive and incredibly fast.


  • Browse directories/files
  • Disc usage panel
  • Memory usage panel
  • File and Folder information, with accurate folder size
  • Open files (With the default program of the OS)
  • Delete files or folders
  • Rename files or folders
  • Create files or folders
  • Read the content of a file
  • Duplicate files
  • Copy files
  • Responsive
  • Open VS Code
  • Show/Hide hidden files
  • Show/Hide file extensions

Installation - Linux

Download Git and Go

Open a terminal and type these commands:

cd /usr/local
git clone
cd cli-file-manager
# The build may take a couple of tries
make build
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cli-file-manager/bin"

Now try to execute the command cfm.
In the first argument, you can give the path where you want it to open. (Not necessary)
For example: cfm /home/user/Desktop

Note: The cfm command will only live until you close the terminal. To resolve this issue, follow these few steps:

nano ~/.profile

Now scroll to the bottom and paste this:

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cli-file-manager/bin"

Save the changes and reboot.

There's an update and do you want to use it?
Go to your cli-file-manager folder. Open a terminal and type this command:

make update