Please use layered architecture The main point is that layers should be isolated from one another and changes in one layer should affect this and possibly another associated layer.
├─ src (or however you'll name your root directory)
│ ├─ edriver-space (root of current repository)
│ ├─ docs
│ ├─ cmd
│ ├─ app/ main.go (<-- program entry point)
│ ├─ conf
│ ├─ handlers
│ ├─ migrations
│ ├─ model
│ ├─ strorage
│ ├─ parking
│ ├ docker-compose.yaml
│ ├─ edriver-space-webapp (root of [this]( repository)
│ ├─ edriver-space-aggregator (root of [this]( repository)