go get


eDriver Space

Lint Unit tests Go Report Card Coverage Status


Edit diagram

Recommended workspace layout

Please use layered architecture The main point is that layers should be isolated from one another and changes in one layer should affect this and possibly another associated layer.

├─ src (or however you'll name your root directory)
│   ├─ edriver-space (root of current repository)
│         ├─ docs
│         ├─ cmd
│             ├─ app/ main.go (<-- program entry point)
│         ├─ conf
│         ├─ handlers
│         ├─ migrations
│         ├─ model
│         ├─ strorage
│         ├─ parking
│         ├ docker-compose.yaml
│   ├─ edriver-space-webapp (root of [this]( repository)
│   ├─ edriver-space-aggregator (root of [this]( repository)