A simple slack message builder for Go using webhooks.
Uses Slack Blocks instead of the legacy attachments format.
import "github.com/AdosH1/go-slack-message"
message := slack.Message()
slack.Header("This is a Header"),
slack.Text("*Text* is _basic markdown_"),
slack.Image("<IMAGE_URL>", "<ALT_TEXT>"),
err := slack.Send("<SLACK_HOOK_URL>", message)
if err != nil {
// handle error
slack.Text("Text will be displayed before fields, but text also can be left empty if defining fields.").
AddField("*Question*", "*Answer*").
AddField("How many fields can we have?", "Unfortunately only 5").
AddField("Why?", "Because it's a limitation of the Slack API").
AddField("How can I add more?", "You can make another text block").
AddField("Lorem", "Ipsum"),
slack.Text("You can add an _accessory image_ to your text blocks to the right -------------> \nThis is an elusive *spotted pardalote*!")
.AddAccessory(slack.Image("<IMAGE_URL>", "<ALT_TEXT>")),
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0