Lenic is a bonafide social network where users are able to:
- follow each other
- make posts (private and public) to their feed
- comment on each others posts
- add pictures to their user profile and posts for further personalization
- search for users
- tag other users in their posts/comments
- receive notifications related to activity relevant to them
- send and receive DMs
Want to give it a spin inside your work network? Thought wou might... ;P
You'll need:
- Docker
- The mailer_sender service
Although not recommended you can leave the setup files as they are and the container will run correctly.
- install docker
- setup config files in
directory as well asdocker-compose.yaml
- make sure the commands
are installed - run
- test if the landing page loads
on default configs - run mailer_sender service (or don't and activate users manually in DB)
- have fun with your co-workers
There's also a gRPC API that let's you interact with the app. Why you would want do that... Well, i don't know, i mostly made it for learning points. :)