GLPI is a library that allows you to connect to the GLPI API. The first version can only query the computers part with the possibility of accessing the fields of the plugins.
Get informations of computer with id
computer, err := glpi.GetComputer( IdOfComputer)
Get all computer into GLPI computers, err := glpi.GetAllComputers()
Find a computer with criteria, here I am looking for all computers that contains "srv"
listcriterias := make([]CriteriaSearch, 1, 1) listcriterias[0] = CriteriaSearch{ Link: "AND", Field: "Name", Searchtype: "contains" Name: "srv" } computersSearch, nbreComputer, err := glpi.SearchComputers(listcriterias, Range{Min: 0, Max: 10})
Find a computer with fields from a plugin, here the fields had id 12230 ( Use a part 5 for find "ID" field )
type ComputerAddField struct { Id int
Name stringjson:"1"
Company stringjson:"12230"
} forcedisplay := make([]interface{}, 3) forcedisplay[0] = 1 forcedisplay[0] = 2 forcedisplay[2] = 76665interfaceListComputerInterface, nbreComputer, err := glpi.SearchWithName("Computer", ComputerAddField{}, listcriterias, forcedisplay, Range{Min: 0, Max: 10})
Find a fields of items, here the fields had id 12230
mapOptions,err:=glpi.ListSearchOptions(Computer{}) for id, fieldFeature := range mapOptions { fmt.Println(id, ": ", fieldFeature.Name) }
Now it's your turn. My library does not use all the items but it is relatively easy to complete ;)
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