A minimal logger for golang with color in terminal and level.

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A minimal logger for golang with color in terminal and level.

It will also override the flag log.Lshortfile, it will give you the path of the current file which is logged without unnecessary sub folder, but for this you need to set the packageName value. this value should be the same name than your root folder project name.


Go version: >= 1.5

Getting start

import ""

minlog := gominlog.NewClassicMinLog() // you can also use NewClassicMinLogWithPackageName("your-root-folder-name")

// it will provide a minlog with logger wrting in stdout and with flag set to log.Lshortfile | log.Ldate | log.Ltime
// You will have also color in the terminal for different level
// the log level will, by default, be set to Lall (level all)
// finally the packageName will be took from args[0] (this mean the name of your binary normally)

minlog.Debug("test debuglevel")
minlog.Error("test errorlevel")
minlog.Warning("test warninglevel")
minlog.Severe("test severelevel")
minlog.Info("test %s", "infolevel") // you can also pass values like with fmt.Sprintf

// To remove color:

// To set package Name:

// To set level of logging:
minlog.SetLevel(gominlog.Lwarning) // you have alos Lall, Loff, Lsevere, Lerror, Linfo and Ldebug.

example output:

2015/11/20 18:58:57 /gominlog/gominlog_test.go:16 DEBUG: test debuglevel
2015/11/20 18:58:57 /gominlog/gominlog_test.go:17 ERROR: test errorlevel
2015/11/20 18:58:57 /gominlog/gominlog_test.go:18 SEVERE: test severelevel
2015/11/20 18:58:57 /gominlog/gominlog_test.go:19 INFO: test infolevel
2015/11/20 18:58:57 /gominlog/gominlog_test.go:21 WARNING: test warninglevel