A simple go module for sharing memory pointers as encoded strings.
This module not only converts a pointer to a string and back again, but also verifies if the receiving end is converting to a valid pointer and to the correct var type.
You may optionally encrypt the stringified pointer to keep the memory address safe (uses aes-cfb encryption method).
go get github.com/AspieSoft/go-memshare
import (
func main(){
myVar := "hello, world"
// get a new stringified pointer (also pushes the pointer to persistant memory)
pointer := memshare.Stringify[string](&myVar)
// optional: encrypt the pointer string with a key
encryptedPointer := memshare.Stringify[string](&myVar, "myKey123")
anotherInstance(pointer, encryptedPointer)
fmt.Println(myVar) // "hello, there"
// allow the garbage collector to remove this pointer automatically (removes it from the persistant list)
func anotherInstance(pointer string, encryptedPointer string){
// parse the stringified pointer to a new var (note: the garbage collector may ignore this var)
myVar := memshare.Parse[string](pointer)
if myVar == nil {
panic("pointer was invalid or not converted to the correct type")
// you will need to pass your encryption key if you set one
myVar := memshare.Parse[string](encryptedPointer, "myKey123")
if myVar == nil {
panic("pointer may have also failed to decrypt")
fmt.Println(*myVar) // "hello, world"
*myVar = "hello, there"