✅ Simple "OnKeyPress" like function for Golang. Powered by "go-tty".

golang, golang-examples
go get github.com/KEINOS/go-getkeypushed


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This package implements OnKeyPress() like functionality to the CLI app in Golang. (Very much powered by the awesome go-tty)

It simply returns the key pushed from the console/terminal (TTY) without the enter key.

$ # Run sample
$ go run ./example <enter>
Ready. Press any key ... (q = quit)
Key pressed => "a"
Key pressed => "b"
Key pressed => "A"
Key pressed => "B"
Key pressed => "あ"
Key pressed => "い"
Key pressed => "愛"
Key pressed => "\x1b"      // ESC key
Key pressed => "\x1b[A"    // Up arrow key
Key pressed => "\x1b[B"    // Down arrow key
Key pressed => "\x1b[C"    // Right arrow key
Key pressed => "\x1b[D"    // Left arrow key
Key pressed => "\x1b[19~"  // F8 key (if not assigned in the terminal)
Key pressed => "\x1b[20~"  // F9 key (if not assigned in the terminal)
Key pressed => "\x1b[21~"  // F10 key (if not assigned in the terminal)
Key pressed => "q"
Quit (q) detected. Exiting ...
$ # Interrupt with Ctrl+c
$ go run ./example <enter>
Ready. Press any key ... (q = quit)
Key pressed => "a"
Key pressed => "b"
Failed to get pressed key. Msg: user cancelled (ctrl+c, SIGINT detectd)
exit status 1


go get github.com/KEINOS/go-getkeypushed

Usage Sample

// import "github.com/KEINOS/go-getkeypushed/key"

key := key.New() // Instantiate

timeWait := 5              // Timeout user input in 5 secs (0=no timeout)
keyDefault := "my default" // Default value when timeout

fmt.Println("Press any key:")

// The below returns the key pressed from the console/terminal
// or returns the default vaule if it timeouts.
inputUser, err := key.Get(timeWait, keyDefault)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to get pressed key. Msg: %v\n", err)

fmt.Println("Input: "+ inputUser)
package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		char       string
		err        error
		keyQuit    = "q"
		keyDefault = "?" // A char to use when wait time exceeds
		timeWait   = 5   // Seconds to wait user input

	keyInput := key.New()

	fmt.Println("Ready. Press any key ... (q = quit)")

	for {
		char, err = keyInput.Get(keyDefault, timeWait)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to get pressed key. Msg: %v\n", err)

		fmt.Printf("Key pressed => %#+v\n", char)

		if char == keyQuit {
			fmt.Printf("Quit (%s) detected. Exiting ...\n", keyQuit)


		if strings.TrimSpace(char) == "" {
			fmt.Println("Empty char(white space) detected.")



License & Copyright


  • Find out how to test the tty input
  • Implement basic testing
    • Cover test as much as possible
  • Wating time implementaion
    • Wait Nth seconds and return default key if wait time exceed with no user interaction)