Distributed streaming system written in golang

go, golang, gossip-protocol, grpc, raft, streaming
go get


Jet stream


Jet is a distributed streaming system written in golang. The goal of this project is to make a kafka alternative that's cloud native and easier to host, scale and maintain. Performance also need to be on par or faster(maybe)


Alt text


Each node in this context represents a host or a pod. A node exists inside a shard, and can be either a leader or follower.


Each shard represents a group of nodes that are in the same raft group, in a raft group there's a single leader and multiple followers. hashicorp/raft is used for the consensus in the group. Each write operation goes to the leader node, and gets replicated to the followers; while a read operation goes to the follower nodes.


The way each node knows the existence of others is through the gossip protocol. hashicorp/memberlist is used for this purpose.

Get Started

To build the repo use

go build

To run the binary jet do

./jet --raft_id "nodeA" --address "localhost:8080" --raft_data_dir "./testData" --data_dir "./testData/data" --gossip_address "localhost:8081" --shard_id "shardA"

There's also docker which you can build and run with the same arguments

docker run  -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081/tcp -p 8081:8081/udp jet:0.1 --raft_id "nodeA" --address localhost:8080 --raft_data_dir "./testData" --gossip_address "localhost:8081" --shard_id "shardA"

There also a helm chart available which you can run in kubernetes by doing

helm install jet ./intg

What works

Single node

On a single node, producing and consuming are both solid

One raft group

One raft group is quite solid, still need resiliency improvements

More than one raft group

Works well locally, but like the above lacks resiliency, for example currently there's only ack for consuming and not publishing,which means if a publishing fails but other succeeds, the publishing will go through on the nodes that did succeed.


To contribute, pick up an issue(when I make some), or just fix something you see, then just submit a pr and I'll review it.