Inspired by cowsay. I made this to learn more about go and cobra.
In builds/ folder you can find binaries for pigsay. For windows use pigsay.exe and for linux use pigsay. Download them, open terminal in folder you downloaded them and execute command
[teppo@vmi1490863 ~]$ ./pigsay Hello World
It should look like this
[teppo@vmi1490863 ~]$ ./pigsay Hello World
/ \
| Hello World |
\_ __________/
/ o \
E, |S
It is possible that on linux you might need to give executable right to pigsay before it works:
[teppo@vmi1490863 ~]$ sudo chmod +x pigsay
There is help command provided
[teppo@vmi1490863 ~]$ ./pigsay --help
Make a pig say things!
pigsay [-e] <MESSAGE> [flags]
Display help
pigsay Hello World
Display pig saying "Hello World"
pigsay -e @ Hello World
Display pig with custom eye @ saying "Hello World"
pigsay --eyes @ Hello World
Display pig with custom eye @ saying "Hello World"
-e, --eyes string give pig different eyes (default "o")
-h, --help help for pigsay
-v, --version version for pigsay