CLI UIKIT for golang
Golang termbox implementation based uikit for building diverse cli tools
Package is in development
Released features
- Select one screen
- Multiselect screen
- Input box
- Simple label
For now - callback are the main and only option to shift between screens. After some condition is completed a function gets called. Function must return a new screen or nothing (nil) if after completing action program has to be stopped
package main
import (
rscliuitkit ""
func main() {
f := func(text string) rscliuitkit.UIElement {
return label.New(text)
sc := input.New(
input.TextAbove("choose menu"),
input.TextBelow("hello world"),
input.Position(common.NewRelativePositioning(0.5, 0.5)),
q := make(chan struct{})
Common features
EVERYTHING is customisable
Select one screen
Allows to create menu where user has to choose one of given items
Multiselect screen
Allows to create menu where user has to choose one or more of given items and submit his choice
Prints text on the screen
Input box
Simple input field with boundaries. Can be customized to support multirow input.