Use google app engine on Cloud9

go get


GOGAE on Cloud9

Using google app engine on Cloud9 currenlty requires you to compile or download Python 2.7 and PIL in your workspace. You can then use the terminal to start, stop and deploy google app engine applications.

To make this step easier we created an install script and this GAE project template.


You have two options to add GAE support.

  1. Add GAE support to an exsiting Cloud9 workspace
  2. Create a new GAE application based on this project template

Add GAE support to your existing Cloud9 workspace

You can easily add GAE support to any Cloud9 project by running the compile script from this project template:

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Execute the compile script (this will take a few minutes):
curl | bash

Create a new GAE application based on this project template

You can also create a new GAE application by simply cloning this template. This is convenient because it already includes a small hello world app to immediately test it.

  1. Got to your Cloud9 dashboard
  2. Select create new workspace -> clone from url
  3. Use git:// as URL
  4. Open the project
  5. In the project open a new Terminal window
  6. Execute the compile script (this will take a few minutes)

Run the app

Once everything is compiled and installed you can use all gae python scripts in the terminal. However to run the app server locally you need to make sure that it is listening on the Cloud9 port and ip address so our proxy can find it. -a $IP -p $PORT .