go get


Warning -- This is in active development and not stable

Layer API for Golang

A Golang library that wraps the Layer Platform API.


You can find full documentation on Platform API at


go get

Simple example

package main

import ""

var (
  token    = os.Getenv("LAYER_TOKEN")
	appID    = os.Getenv("LAYER_APPID")
	version  = "1.0"
	timeout  = 30 * time.Second
	l        = NewLayer(token, appID, version, timeout)

// Metadata struct can contain any metadata you would like to pass into a conversation
type Metadata struct {


func main() {
  // Create a conversation
  distinct := true
  conversation, err := l.CreateConversation([]string{"user1", "user2"}, distinct, Metadata{})

  // Send a message
  cid := conversation.GetID()

  p := Parts{
		Body:     "Hello World",
		MimeType: "text/plain",
	n := Notification{
		Text:  "Hello World Notification",
		Sound: "chime.aiff",

	res, err := l.SendMessage(cid, "user1", []Parts{p}, n)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Errorf("ERROR=%v", err)
  fmt.Printf("RESULT=%#v", res)

LayerAPI (config)

Layer API constructor is initialized with the following configuration values:

  • token - Layer Platform API token which can be obtained from Developer Dashboard
  • appId - Layer application ID
  • version - API version to use
  • timeout - Request timeout


Conversations coordinate messaging within Layer and can contain up to 25 participants. All Messages sent are sent within the context of a conversation.


Messages can be made up of one or many individual pieces of content.

  • Message sender can be specified by userID
  • Message parts are the atomic object in the Layer universe. They represent the individual pieces of content embedded within a message.
  • Message notification object represents push notification payload.


Announcements are messages sent to all users of the application or to a list of users.

Payload property recipients can contain one or more user IDs or the literal string "everyone" in order to message the entire userbase.

Send an Announcement by providing an AnnouncementRequest.

Block list

Layer Platform API allows you to manage a block list in order to align with your own application level blocking. A block list is maintained for each user, enabling users to manage a list of members they don't want to communicate with.


To run tests you must first get a Layer token (Developer Dashboard) and appID. The appID must be set as the environment variable LAYER_TEST_APPID and token must be set on the environment as LAYER_TEST_TOKEN

go test .


Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Feel free to open up a Pull Request or Issue on Github.


  1. Extend SendMessage to accept a name in addition to the layerID
  2. Implement UploadRichContent
  3. Implement SendMessageWithRichContent

