A server application for Photohunt. Restful API for uploading pictures and stuff.

go get



A server application for Photohunt. Restful API for uploading pictures and stuff.

##Pages## ###/upload### Make a POST request here to upload a picture. ####Parameters#### key: the api key for a team hash: a sha256 hash of the binary data of the image, encoded in base64url fileextension: The file extension of the image. Probably png or jpg ####Post Body#### A base64 encoded image file, to be submitted

###/times### Make a GET request here to get the times Photohunt is happening ####Parameters#### key: the api key for a team ####Returns#### A time period formatted as:

Mar 31, 2013 at 07:13 until Mar 31, 2013 at 21:33

###/numpics### Make a GET request here to get the number of pictures a team has uploaded, out of the total number of the pictures they can upload. ####Parameters#### key: the api key for a team ####Returns#### Two numbers formatted as:

0 / 20