Larn is a roguelike game written by Noah Morgan in 1986. This is a Go port of Larn.

go get


Larn is a roguelike game written by Noah Morgan in 1986. This is a Go port of Larn, by David Symonds ( There is a web page at


I have transliterated each original C source file. Some chunks have been stubbed out instead of ported (e.g. loading/saving), but a substantial enough part works that you can play it. I used Larn 12.0 as the basis, but have ported many of the fixes from Larn 12.3. I am calling this "Larn 12.5".


I will next be debugging, fixing and filling out the stubbed functions.

Next, I will abstract enough of the code to turn it into a web based version, probably hosted on App Engine; you can be playing on one web browser, sign in on another, and resume the same game. There will be some kind of scoreboard too.


The license of the original Larn by Noah Morgan is unclear. He posted it to a public discussion group without stating the license; 1986 was an era before licenses were "a thing". Given that, and given that I plan to replace all the original C code, I am licensing this under the BSD 3-Clause Licence.