An open-source cloud platform heavily inspired from existing orchestrators (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, OpenStack, etc).
Developed weekly live at The Alt-F4 Stream on Twitch.
IMPORTANT: everything below is a work-in-progress and subject to change at any time
Below is an overiew of the current architecture design of Symphony.
Services in orange implemented and gray are unimplemented.
Below describes the basic requirements of a Symphony environment.
Consul: service discovery and replicated key-value storage of state
Manager: all internal state changes and messages to cloud services
Below describes the optional cloud services and their functions.
- Block: cloud volume management
Steps on how to setup a local development environment and perform various tasks.
Start environment
NOTE: this does require docker and docker-compose to work
docker-compose up --build -d
Add a cloud image
Download the cloud image of your choice (Ubuntu 20.04 as an example).
NOTE: you may execute
commands on any host via CLI
Build the command-line tools to use locally.
go build ./cmd/cli
Run the image new
command pointed to your local manager address.
./cli --manager-addr="localhost:15760" image new "Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) daily builds" "Ubuntu 20.04" "focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img"
The image should be registered in Consul at http://localhost:8500/ui/dc1/kv/image/
Add a cloud service
Verify the new cloud service has the proper --manager-addr
configuration and start it (block used as example).
NOTE: you don't need to do this if running the stack locally with docker-compose as it's started already
block --bind-interface="eth0" --config-dir="/config" --manager-addr="manager:15760" --verbose
Then run the service new
command pointed at the socket path of the service.
NOTE: you may execute
commands only on the service host CLI.
docker-compose exec block ./cli --socket-path="/config/control.sock" service new
The service should be registered healty in Consul at http://localhost:8500