The official tool for managing Exercism language track repositories.

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Configlet for Exercism v3

This is a development version of Configlet for use with v3 of Exercism.


The application is a single binary and can be used as follows:

  configlet [global-options] <command> [command-options]

  lint, sync, uuid

Options for sync:
  -e, --exercise <slug>        Only sync this exercise
  -c, --check                  Terminates with a non-zero exit code if one or more tests are missing. Doesn't update the tests
  -m, --mode <mode>            What to do with missing test cases. Allowed values: c[hoose], i[nclude], e[xclude]
  -p, --prob-specs-dir <dir>   Use this `problem-specifications` directory, rather than cloning temporarily
  -o, --offline                Do not check that the directory specified by `-p, --prob-specs-dir` is up-to-date

Options for uuid:
  -n, --num <int>              Number of UUIDs to generate

Global options:
  -h, --help                   Show this help message and exit
      --version                Show this tool's version information and exit
  -t, --track-dir <dir>        Specify a track directory to use instead of the current directory
  -v, --verbosity <verbosity>  The verbosity of output. Allowed values: q[uiet], n[ormal], d[etailed]


The primary function of configlet is to do linting: checking if a track's configuration files are properly structured - both syntactically and semantically. Misconfigured tracks may not sync correctly, may look wrong on the website, or may present a suboptimal user experience, so configlet's guards play an important part in maintaining the integrity of Exercism.

The configlet lint command is still under development. The list of currently implemented checks can be found here.


If a track implements an exercise for which test data exists in the problem-specifications repo, the exercise must contain a .meta/tests.toml file. The goal of the tests.toml file is to keep track of which tests are implemented by the exercise. Tests in this file are identified by their UUID and each test has a boolean value that indicates if it is implemented by that exercise.

A tests.toml file has this format:

# This is an auto-generated file. Regular comments will be removed when this
# file is regenerated. Regenerating will not touch any manually added keys,
# so comments can be added in a "comment" key.

description = "basic"

description = "lowercase words"

description = "invalid input"
include = false
comment = "excluded because we don't want to add error handling to the exercise"

In this case, the track has chosen to implement two of the three available tests. If a track uses a test generator to generate an exercise's test suite, it must use the contents of the tests.toml file to determine which tests to include in the generated test suite.

The configlet sync command allows tracks to keep tests.toml files up to date. The command will compare the tests specified in the tests.toml files against the tests that are defined in the exercise's canonical data. It will then prompt the user to choose whether to include or exclude missing tests, and update the tests.toml files accordingly. If you only want a quick check, you can use the --check option.

The configlet sync command replaces the functionality of the older canonical_data_syncer application.

Use in your track

Each track should have a bin/fetch-configlet script, and might have a bin/fetch-configlet.ps1 script too. The first is a bash script, and the second is a PowerShell script.

Running one of these scripts downloads the latest version of configlet to the bin directory. You can then use configlet by running bin/configlet or bin/configlet.exe respectively.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at