pgproc - Easily call PostgreSQL procedures from Go (golang)

golang, postgresql
go get


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pgproc - Easily call PostgreSQL procedures from Go (golang)

If you are using PostgreSQL server programming functionalities (user-defined procedures and data types essentially) and want to access these functions from your Go programs, this library is made for you.

Thanks to both PostgreSQL and Go reflection APIs, it is possible to automatically map types of parameters and returned values between both worlds.

The main advantage of the pgproc library is to be able to call in a single pair of lines a PostgreSQL stored procedure and get its result in a Go native of struct variable.

This library is at an early development stage, please have a look at the tests files to see the covered cases.


$ go get


package main

import (

var (
        user     = "myuser"
        password = "mysecret"
        host     = "localhost"
        dbname   = "mydb"
        base     *pgproc.PgProc

func main() {
        conninfo := fmt.Sprintf("user=%s password=%s host=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable",
                user, password, host, dbname)
        base, err := pgproc.NewPgProc(conninfo)
        if err != nil {
                panic("cannot connect to database")

        // Call an SQL procedure returning an integer value
        var val int
        base.Call(&val, "public", "age_of_captain")
        fmt.Printf("The captain is %d years old\n", val)

        // Call an SQL procedures returning a composite value
	var str struct {
	        Age  int
                Name string
	base.Call(&str, "public", "get_captain_info")


results in:

$ go run main.go
The captain is 42 years old
{42 Ford Prefect}