Simple webhook listener

go get


WebHook Listener

A simple HTTP(s) server that execute configured action when a message is received.

Build Instruction

go get
go get
go install


Launch it with $GOPATH/bin/webhook-listener. There are two optional arguments:

  • -config="": location of the config file
  • -listen="localhost:8080": <address>:<port> to listen on


You can configure the server by passing a configuration file written in json via the argument config.

This file is composed of three section:

  • listenAddr: where the server should listen, format: addr:port
  • tls TLS information if you want to use HTTPS
    • key: path to your certificate key
    • cert: path to your certificate cert
  • endpoints: an array of all endpoints of the server

An endpoint consist of:

  • A messageType that represent the type of message it can receive (currently only GitlabPushMessage is accepted).
  • A path which is the path used by the server to know what endpoint it is
  • An apiKey which will be needed (either as a GET params or a header field)
  • A commandDir which represent the working directory of the commands executed
  • A commands which consist of arrays of commands (the first entry is the command and the other are the arguments). These commands are processed and you can provide message parameters following the go text.template syntax.

An example of configuration can be found in the root directory of this repository.