query parameter values on the command line

go get


Query Parse

Parse URL query params from the command line.


Usage: qp [options] <comma delimited list of param keys>
  -null="NULL": Value to print when a param is not present.
  -v=false: Print url and query string in addition to values matching params

Example: qp -v -null 'derp' 'format, sort'


echo /review/list?format=xml&v=2 | qp 'format,v'
# Prints:
# xml	2

# Verbose prints a tab list of
# 	$1    -> url
#		$2    -> query string
#		$3... -> values pulled out of query string
echo /review/list?format=xml&v=2 | qp -v 'format, derp'
# Prints:
# /review/list	format=xml&v=2	xml NULL


When multiple params are specified and at least one value in a given line is present any null value will print the null string. By default that is NULL. This guarantees the position of the parameter value in the output, and it is really handing when using a stream editor like Awk.

If all parameters are NULL or there is any error parsing the URL there will be no output for that line.