go get



This project is a Multi-Module Go 1.18 Workspace that contains mostly FX modules for our team's microservices.

If you've never used FX, we highly recommend it. Preslav Mihaylov does a brilliant job in explaining what it is, why you'd want to use it, and the trade-offs teams should consider before adopting it.


As much as possible, we try to keep these modules independent of each other. Sometimes, when they become glued together (as is the case in gin/newrelic/zerolog), it's convenient to reference a shared configuration struct.

Module Description Dependent on other modules
fx/genqlient GraphQL client built on genqlient NO
fx/gin Gin HTTP server NO
fx/gin/newrelic Gin middleware for New Relic instrumentation NO
fx/gin/newrelic/zerolog Gin middleware for New Relic "Logs in Context" YES
fx/http/client Fine-tuned HTTP client NO
fx/http/client/newrelic New Relic-instrumented HTTP client NO
fx/newrelic Configures a New Relic Go Agent NO
fx/zerolog Configures a New Relic Zerolog logger YES
gqlgen Interceptors for gqlgen NO


You can install modules individually, but this can lead to large go.mod files. Instead, we recommend you install a recipe.

For example:

go get -v

Updating dependencies

If you don't want to use recipes, you can update modules together easily:

go list all | grep | xargs go get -v


Check out the example project, which you can run with

export NEW_RELIC_KEY=foobar
make example

In main.go:

package main

import (

var Module = fx.Options(

	// Gin HTTP handler
		Invocations: []any{
			// Add a registration function here to register your business logic
			// layer (often called the "Service layer" or "Use case layer") to
			// your GraphQL Handler.

func main() {
	a := fx.New(


Releasing new versions

Run the tag script


which will prompt you to pick a SemVer change type:

  • major
  • minor
  • patch

It will generate a Git tag for the repository root, as well as for all descendant submodules.

go work sync

Because this project uses a Go 1.18 Workspace, when working here, you almost never want to use go mod, as it's unable to reason about cross-module dependencies.

Instead, go work is you're friend. When you want to "download or tidy your dependencies," simply run:

go work sync