The Lambda Layer Inspector (L2I)

aws-lambda, cli, inspector, lambda, lambda-layer
go get


The Lambda Layer Inspector (L2I)

This CLI tool allows to inspect one or more AWS Lambda layer(s), using the layer ARN(s) as input.


Download the latest binary for Linux (Intel or Arm), macOS, or Windows.

For example, to install l2i from binary on macOS you could do the following:

curl -L \
    -o l2i.tar.gz && \
    tar xvzf l2i.tar.gz l2i && \
    mv l2i /usr/local/bin && \
    rm l2i*


Once installed, all you need to inspect one or more Lambda layer are their ARNs. For examples of layer ARNs, check out mthenw/awesome-layers.

Plain metadata inspection

If you want to inspect a single AWS Lambda layer, provide the ARN to l2i using the --layers parameter like so:

$ l2i --layers arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:553035198032:layer:git:10
Name: git
Version: 10
Description: Git 2.25.0 and openssh binaries
Created on: 2020-01-13T20:41:57.917+0000
Size: 17,456 kB

$ l2i --layers arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:464622532012:layer:Datadog-Python37:1
Name: Datadog-Python37
Version: 1
Description: Datadog Lambda Layer for Python
Created on: 2019-05-06T18:48:17.694+0000
Size: 7,657 kB
CompatibleRuntimes: python3.7

You can also inspect multiple layers at once, using a comma-separated list and l2i will provide a tabular overview:

$ l2i --layers "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:464622532012:layer:Datadog-Python37:1,arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:553035198032:layer:git:10"
NAME              VERSION  DESCRIPTION                      CREATED ON                    SIZE (kB)
Datadog-Python37  1        Datadog Lambda Layer for Python  2019-05-06T18:48:17.694+0000  7,657
git               10       Git 2.25.0 and openssh binaries  2020-01-13T20:41:57.917+0000  17,456

Content inspection

If you provide the --export parameter, l2i will not only display metadata of a layer but also download its contents into the (relative or absolute) provided path, for example:

$ l2i --layers arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:553035198032:layer:git:10 --export .
Name: git
Version: 10
Description: Git 2.25.0 and openssh binaries
Created on: 2020-01-13T20:41:57.917+0000
Size: 17,456 kB

I exported the layer's contents to: /Users/janedoe/serverless/layer-git-content

If you now look into the layer-git-content directory you should see something like this:

$ tree -d layer-git-content/
├── bin
├── etc
│   └── ssh
├── lib
│   └── fipscheck
├── libexec
│   ├── git-core
│   │   └── mergetools
│   └── openssh
└── share
    ├── git-core
    │   └── templates
    └── licenses
        ├── fipscheck-1.3.1
        ├── git-2.25.0
        ├── openssh-7.4p1
        └── pcre2-10.21

17 directories

You can also export multiple layers at once, like so:

$ l2i --layers "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:464622532012:layer:Datadog-Python37:1,arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:553035198032:layer:nodejs10:20" --export layers
NAME              VERSION  DESCRIPTION                      CREATED ON                    SIZE (kB)
Datadog-Python37  1        Datadog Lambda Layer for Python  2019-05-06T18:48:17.694+0000  7,657
nodejs10          20       Node.js v10.18.1 custom runtime  2020-01-10T21:32:36.590+0000  12,404

I exported the layers' contents to: /Users/janedoe/serverless/layers/

Have fun!