Contextual Network Templating Engine

autossh, firewall, firewall-configuration, firewall-management, firewall-rules, firewall-template, golang, hostname, hosts, hostsfile, iptables, iptables-compiler, iptables-configurations, iptables-manager, iptables-rules, network-admin, networking, ssh, ssh-tunnel, template-engine
go get


Ishtar Gate

Contextual Network Templating Engine


Manage Network Services and Dependencies for:

  • Firewalls:
    • Contextual firewall rule templating
      • Templating using
      • Individual firewall rules have access to the context and variables of the Source and Destination Server, Network, and Service
      • you still have to write your own firewall rules, but you will have the necessary context and variables when doing so
    • Currently supports:
      • iptables
      • other firewalls to be supported!
  • /etc/hostname
    • just prints your hostname (:
  • /etc/hosts
    • Generate /etc/hosts with the option of including external /etc/hosts dependencies
  • SSH Tunnels
    • SSH connection shell scripts with support for Local and Remote port forwarding

A buildable executable and example json files can be found in the ishtargate/ folder. You can optionally build your own configuration in the build_test.go file and generate the output with go test

Binary Flags:

settings-input: Raw JSON input
settings-file: Location of JSON file
ishtargate-input: Raw JSON input
ishtargate-file: Location of JSON file
server: If specified, only the server is generated, otherwise all servers are generated



any program variables will be found here


  // ishtar/ is appended to this relative or absolute path
BuildPath string  `json:"build-path"`
  // should the ishtar/hostname folder be deleted before generating?
BuildRemoveFolderHostname bool  `json:"build-remove-folder-hostname"`
  // should the ishtar/hosts folder be deleted before generating?
BuildRemoveFolderHosts  bool  `json:"build-remove-folder-hosts"`
  // should the ishtar/ssh folder be deleted before generating?
BuildRemoveFolderSSH  bool  `json:"build-remove-folder-ssh"`
  // should the ishtar/firewall folder be deleted before generating?
BuildRemoveFolderFirewall bool  `json:"build-remove-folder-firewall"`


  "build-path": "unittest",
  "build-remove-folder-hostname": true,
  "build-remove-folder-hosts": true,
  "build-remove-folder-ssh": true,
  "build-remove-folder-firewall": true


This is the global container object. This contains a list of Servers, Firewall Type and Rules, and Global Variables. Firewall Rules Before/After are generated at the very start and very end of the firewall generation process.


  // Servers
  // [ServerName]*ServerObject
Servers map[string]*Server  `json:"servers"`
  // Global Firewall Rules
  // list of types can be found in `firewall.go`
  // 1 can be used for iptables
FirewallType  int `json:"firewall-type"`
  // Before Server.FirewallRulesBefore
FirewallRulesBefore []*Firewall_Rule  `json:"firewall-rules-before"`
  // After Server.FirewallRulesAfter
FirewallRulesAfter  []*Firewall_Rule  `json:"firewall-rules-after"`
  // Global Variables
Vars  map[string]interface{}  `json:"vars"`


  // generate all servers
(self *IshtarGate) Build(settings *Settings)
  // generate an individual server
(self *IshtarGate) BuildServer(settings *Settings, server string)


  "servers": {
    "MediaServer": null
  "firewall-type": 1,
  "firewall-rules-before": [
      "rule": "-A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT"
      "rule": "# GLOBAL BEFORE: myip: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}}"
  "firewall-rules-after": [
      "rule": "# GLOBAL AFTER: myip: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}}"
  "vars": {
    "myip": ""


Server contains mostly local variables, HostsDependencies is the only exception. HostsDependencies can reference another Servers Network and locally include that Networks /etc/hosts. SSH is currently only local and is not referenced by others. SSH is used to generate shell scripts for connecting to other servers. Server Firewall Rules are run in between the IshtarGate firewall before/after rules. Networks contains our available Networks, each with their own IP, /etc/hosts, and Services. Networks will be frequently referenced by other Servers.


  // Hostname is used for our /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
  // Additional Local Hosts are appended to our /etc/hosts
  // this appears locally only
  // [IP][]Host
Hosts map[string][]string `json:"hosts"`
  // Hosts Custom Blob of Text Before
  // this appears locally only
HostsBefore string `json:"hosts-before"`
  // Hosts Custom Blob of Text After
  // this appears locally only
HostsAfter string `json:"hosts-after"`
  // Optional Hosts Dependencies
  // Additional referenced Hosts are appended to our /etc/hosts
  // if we reference another Servers Network, we will include that Networks /etc/hosts locally and point the hosts to that Networks IP
  // [ServerName][]Network
HostsDependencies map[string][]string `json:"hosts-dependencies"`
  // SSH
  // this will generate a list of ssh commands for possible local or remote tunnels
  // this appears locally only
  // ssh service name are arbitrary and aren't currently referenced
  // [Service]SSH
SSH map[string]*SSH `json:"ssh"`
  // Firewall Rules
  // Before Services
FirewallRulesBefore []*Firewall_Rule `json:"firewall-before"`
  // After Services
FirewallRulesAfter []*Firewall_Rule `json:"firewall-after"`
  // List of our Accessible Networks and their available Services
  // our Firewall rules will be built from our Network relations
  // NetworkName can be used in place of the Interface name
  // the Interface name can be referenced for specific firewall rules
  // [NetworkName]Network
Networks map[string]*Network `json:"networks"`
  // Server Variables
Vars map[string]interface{} `json:"vars"`


  "hostname": "home",
  "hosts": {
    "": [
    "": [
  "hosts-before": "# sometimes, we're going to need some comments",
  "hosts-after": "# or we don't care about the parser",
  "hosts-dependencies": {
    "MediaServer": [
  "ssh": {
    "mysql": {
      "user": "username",
      "host": "host",
      "key": "secret_rsa",
      "tunnel": true,
      "local-host": "localhost",
      "local-port": 3306,
      "remote-host": "",
      "remote-port": 3306
  "firewall-before": [
      "rule": "# SERVER BEFORE: myip: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} mymac: {{.Server.Vars.mymac}}"
  "firewall-after": [
      "rule": "# SERVER AFTER: myip: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} mymac: {{.Server.Vars.mymac}}"
  "networks": {
    "lan": null


Network is a "network interface" and must have an IP address. Hosts are not included in the parent Servers /etc/hosts, they are only included by another Servers /etc/hosts from their HostsDependencies. Services contain their own Firewall Rules which are parsed in between Firewall Before/After Rules.

ServicesPassive are services that are always available on this Network, they do not and can not be included as a dependency by another server. ServicesPassive should be thought of a public HTTP/FTP/Mail service where you want anyone to have access.

ServicesAcquirable are services that this Network makes available to other Servers, they are include with their ServiceDependencies. If another server requests a service from this servers ServicesAcquirable, the Service firewall rules will be parsed locally for each Server that requires this dependency. ServicesAcquirable should be thought of a private SSH/Database/Cache service where you only want to grant access to certain other Servers.

ServiceDependencies are the services that this Network requires! ServiceDependencies has an OPTIONAL Service object. If the Service object is set, the firewall rules for this object will be parsed locally. This object will also be passed as the Source Service to the Destination Service that is the dependency. The Service Port is also optional, if Port is not set then the Source Port is unknown. ServiceDependencies Service objects should be thought of local rules that are required to import a dependency.


  // Accessible IP
IP string `json:"ip"`
  // []Host
  // Hosts are referenced by other Servers
  // if referenced, hosts are appended to their /etc/hosts
Hosts []string `json:"hosts"`
  // Passive Services
  // passive services will always be available in the firewall rules
  // [ServiceName]Service
ServicesPassive map[string]*Service `json:"services-passive"`
  // Acquirable Services
  // acquirable services will only be available in firewall rules if acquired
  // [ServiceName]Service
ServicesAcquirable map[string]*Service `json:"services-acquirable"`
  // Optional Service Dependencies
  // Acquired Services will set firewall rules in the acquirable Servers firewall rules
  // this Service object here is optional and will be included in this Servers rules
  // [ServerName][NetworkName][ServiceName]Service
ServiceDependencies map[string]map[string]map[string]*Service `json:"service-dependencies"`
  // Before Server.FirewallRulesBefore
FirewallRulesBefore []*Firewall_Rule `json:"firewall-rules-before"`
  // After Server.FirewallRulesAfter
FirewallRulesAfter []*Firewall_Rule `json:"firewall-rules-after"`
  // Network Variables
Vars map[string]interface{} `json:"vars"`


  "ip": "",
  "hosts": [
  "services-passive": {
    "HTTP": {
      "port": 80,
      "rules": [
          "rule": "-A INPUT -p tcp --dport {{.Service.Port}} -j ACCEPT"
    "SSH": {
      "port": 22,
      "rules": [
          "rule": "-A INPUT -p tcp --src {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} --dport {{.Service.Port}} -j ACCEPT"
          "rule": "# IP: {{.Network.IP}} Port: {{.Service.Port}} MyIP: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} MyPubKey: {{.Service.Vars.MYPUBLICKEY}}"
      "vars": {
        "MYPUBLICKEY": "0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f:00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09"
  "services-acquirable": {
    "mysql": {
      "port": 3306,
      "rules": [
          "rule": "-A INPUT -p tcp --src {{.SourceNetwork.IP}} --dport {{.DestinationService.Port}} -j {{if index .DestinationNetwork.Vars \"in-interface\"}}-i {{.DestinationNetworkName}} {{end}}ACCEPT"
    "ssh": {
      "port": 22,
      "rules": [
          "rule": "-A INPUT -p tcp --src {{.SourceNetwork.IP}} --dport {{.DestinationService.Port}} -j {{if index .DestinationNetwork.Vars \"in-interface\"}}-i {{.DestinationNetworkName}} {{end}}ACCEPT"
          "rule": "# SourceNetwork.IP: {{.SourceNetwork.IP}} SourceService.Port: {{.SourceService.Port}} DestinationNetwork.IP: {{.DestinationNetwork.IP}} DestinationService.Port: {{.DestinationService.Port}} MyIP: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}}"
  "service-dependencies": {
    "MediaServer": {
      "lan": {
        "mysql": null,
        "ssh": {
          "port": 22,
          "rules": [
              "rule": "-A INPUT -p tcp --src {{.SourceNetwork.IP}} --dport {{.DestinationService.Port}} -j {{if index .DestinationNetwork.Vars \"in-interface\"}}-i {{.DestinationNetworkName}} {{end}}ACCEPT"
  "firewall-rules-before": [
      "rule": "# NETWORK BEFORE: IP: {{.Network.IP}} MyIP: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} Hello? {{.Network.Vars.hello}}"
  "firewall-rules-after": [
      "rule": "# NETWORK AFTER: IP: {{.Network.IP}} MyIP: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}} Hello? {{.Network.Vars.hello}}"
  "vars": {
    "hello": "goodbye"


See Network Service attributes for an explanation.


Port          uint16           `json:"port"`
FirewallRules []*Firewall_Rule `json:"rules"`
  // Service Variables
Vars map[string]interface{} `json:"vars"`


Firewall_Rule currently only has a single attribute. Rule supports Golang text template: Generate will fail if a template parsing error occurs. Different Firewall_Variables_* Objects will be passed as context to the Rule when templating.


Rule  string  `json:"rule"`


  "rule": "SourceNetwork.IP: {{.SourceNetwork.IP}} SourceService.Port: {{.SourceService.Port}} DestinationNetwork.IP: {{.DestinationNetwork.IP}} DestinationService.Port: {{.DestinationService.Port}} MyIP: {{.IshtarGate.Vars.myip}}"


This is passed to Server Firewall Rules


ServerName string      `json:"server-name"`
Server     *Server     `json:"server"`
IshtarGate *IshtarGate `json:"ishtargate"`


This is passed to Network Firewall Rules


ServerName string      `json:"server-name"`
Server     *Server     `json:"server"`
NetworkName string      `json:"network-name"`
Network     *Network    `json:"network"`
IshtarGate *IshtarGate `json:"ishtargate"`


This is passed to Passive Services. Passive services do not have a source, only their own selves which is the destination


ServerName string      `json:"server-name"`
Server     *Server     `json:"server"`
NetworkName string      `json:"network-name"`
Network     *Network    `json:"network"`
ServiceName string      `json:"service-name"`
Service     *Service    `json:"service"`
IshtarGate *IshtarGate `json:"ishtargate"`


This is passed to Services that have been acquired by another


ServiceName            string      `json:"service-name"`
SourceServerName       string      `json:"source-server-name"`
SourceServer           *Server     `json:"source-server"`
SourceNetworkName      string      `json:"source-network-name"`
SourceNetwork          *Network    `json:"source-network"`
SourceService          *Service    `json:"source-service"`
DestinationServerName  string      `json:"destination-server-name"`
DestinationServer      *Server     `json:"destination-server"`
DestinationNetworkName string      `json:"destination-network-name"`
DestinationNetwork     *Network    `json:"destination-network"`
DestinationService     *Service    `json:"destination-service"`
IshtarGate             *IshtarGate `json:"ishtargate"`


This is passed to Services has that acquired another


ServiceName            string      `json:"service-name"`
SourceServerName       string      `json:"source-server-name"`
SourceServer           *Server     `json:"source-server"`
SourceNetworkName      string      `json:"source-network-name"`
SourceNetwork          *Network    `json:"source-network"`
SourceService          *Service    `json:"source-service"`
DestinationServerName  string      `json:"destination-server-name"`
DestinationServer      *Server     `json:"destination-server"`
DestinationNetworkName string      `json:"destination-network-name"`
DestinationNetwork     *Network    `json:"destination-network"`
DestinationService     *Service    `json:"destination-service"`
IshtarGate             *IshtarGate `json:"ishtargate"`