cnfuzz - Cloud Native Web API Fuzzer
"Breaking Cloud Native Web APIs in their natural habitat."
Fuzzing web APIs in their fully converged Cloud Native state renders more representative results, just like it would have been deployed in production.
is a project written in Golang that automates fuzzing web APIs deployed in Kubernetes clusters. By tracking hashes of all container images, (re)deployed web API versions will be fuzzed - to detect potential security and stability issues and stores its results in a data lake.
By using Pod Annotations, OpenAPI and RESTler by Microsoft both discovery and fuzzing is being completely automated.
- You want to fuzz web API logic where they actually operate, especially when fuzzing complete Service Meshes
- You want to integrate and/or build data lakes with fuzzing data on top of AWS S3 based storage
- You want to save expensive Cloud CI/CD pipeline credits by using idle Kubernetes cluster resources
- You want fuzzing te be done outside of your CI/CD pipeline
- You have heavy performance requirements for your fuzzing and Cloud based CI/CD pipelines do not suffice
- You want to fuzz web API's of services which are interconnected and are being deployed by different teams in the same Kubernetes cluster
- You want to automatically fuzz existing opensource software for instability issues
- You get excited over fuzzing farms
helm repo add cnfuzz
helm repo update
helm install cnfuzz cnfuzz/cnfuzz
Getting started
All it takes to getting started after installation of cnfuzz
on your Kubernetes cluster is to annotate
your Kubernetes Pods
, Deployments
, DaemonSets
, etc like in the following example:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-api
app: my-api
replicas: 1
app: my-api
cnfuzz/enable: "true"
cnfuzz/open-api-doc: "/swagger/swagger.json"
cnfuzz/secret: "0d5989ed-d60c-470e-b1b5-576fcf0f5d8c"
- name: myapi
image: my-api
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
Setup Kubernetes development environment
Install Kind and/or Rancher Desktop
Install Helm
Build and run
# don't forget to commit your changes locally before deploying to Kind.
make kind-init
Rancher Desktop
# don't forget to commit your changes locally before deploying to Rancher Desktop.
make rancher-init
These commands do the following:
- Setup initial deployment of
- Build a container image and load it into
- Install
via helm with the local built image - Create example webapi deployment to fuzz
# don't forget to commit your changes locally before deploying to Kind.
make kind-build
Rancher Desktop
# don't forget to commit your changes locally before deploying to Kind.
make rancher-build
These commands do the following:
- (re)-build
and upgrade deployment with latest image
Cleanup the build
This command does the following:
- delete the
installation fromKubernetes
make k8s-clean
# If you did a git pull between the above build and the below k8s-clean
# you will see an error. Specify the release as follows:
make k8s-clean GIT_COMMIT=f4fd3d2
Build project
For building the project you can use the Makefile
Build Docker image
CNFUZZ_IMAGE=myrepo/cnfuzz RESTLERWRAPPER_IMAGE=myrepo/restlerwrapper make image
Compile binary
# Compile project to binaries in dist/
make all
Useful flags for debugging:
# cnfuzz
--debug # extra logging
--local-config # cnfuzz will use your local config in $HOME/.kube/config (by default)
--config "hack/default_config.yaml"
--ddoc-ip localhost # overwrite the OpenApi doc source IP
--ddoc-port 8080 # overwrite the OpenApi doc source port
# restlerwrapper
--pod todo-api-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx
--port 8080 # set the port of the target service
--ddoc-ip localhost # overwrite the IP that is used to get the OpenApi doc
--dry-run # don't do anything, just print the commands to the console
--time-budget 0.001 # RESTler jobs complete almost instantly
NOTE: The Devspace setup is currently broken :(
see issue #84
The code can be debugged in your IDE (outside the cluster) with the --inside-cluster=false
But you can also attach a debugger to a running pod inside a cluster using DevSpace.
- Start by installing DevSpace
- Run
devspace dev
in the root directory of this repository - Run
air -c air.toml
inside the container - Edit the code and set breakpoints
- Attach your IDE to the debugger inside the container
Prepare for release
cd docs
helm package ../chart/cnfuzz
helm repo index --url .
Opensource graduation research project
❤️ - Get more control over the Restler runtime
- Convert the output of Restler to a format that is easier to consume
- Integrate more tightly with Kubernetes
- Autodiscovery of possible URI prefixes
- Add some form of dashboarding
Engineering Team
- Luuk van den Maagdenberg, Lead Developer
- Pim Merks, Developer
- Robert Scholts, Developer
- Sylvia van Os, Developer
- Ofer Chen, Developer
- Serge van Namen, Developer / Community Lead
- Hans Strijker, Maintainer
- Sam Crauwels, Maintainer
- Michiel Westerink, Maintainer
Create an issue, open up a PR or contact us via
Every first Thursday of the month at 18:30 CET there will be a hybrid community meetup for users, developers and maintainers of the project hosted at Sue B.V. in the Netherlands.
Google Meet or see you at Sue B.V. including lovely drinks and food before the meetup!
Do you want swag that our awesome marketing team created for this project? Come to our community meetup on prem or contact to receive your swag!
Stickers & Gear
Do you need support that cannot be handled via issue tracking? Please contact us at or via the contact form on this page.