Terraform Version Check
Terraform version check (tfvc) is a reporting tool to identify available updates for providers and modules referenced in your Terraform code. It provides clear warning/failure output and resolution guidance for any issues it detects.
NOTE: This project is currently under heavy development and things WILL break (probably)
Example output
Install with Homebrew on MacOS or Linux.
brew install tfverch/tfvc/tfvc
Install with Go
go install github.com/tfverch/tfvc@latest
tfvc will scan the specified directories and report on the configuration of providers and module calls.
The exit status will be non-zero if tfvc finds problems, otherwise the exit status will be zero.
tfvc .
The following parameters are available.
Parameter | Type | Description |
--include-passed, -a | bool (default: false) | Include passed checks in console output |
--include-prerelease, -e | bool (default: false) | Include prerelease versions in checks |
--ssh-private-key-path, -s, | string (default: "") | Path to private key to use for SSH module calls |
--ssh-private-key-pwd, -w | string (default: "") | Password for private key file if required |
Docker usage
As an alternative to installing and running tfvc on your system, you can run tfvc in a Docker container, for example:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/src" tfverch/tfvc /src
While tools such as dependabot and renovate provide fully automate dependency updates, I needed something with a lighter touch. tfvc aims to be a simple reporting tool that can be run either locally, or as part of a CI/CD pipeline, to give you feedback on any modules or providers which have updates available.
This project started as a fork of the github.com/keilerkonzept/terraform-module-versions project. However, given the changes that I needed to make to add the features that I wanted to, I ended up migrating to this repo. Still, shout out to keilerkonzept for their work.