The pirate-y OpenAPI 3.0 spec generator for Go. This is built on the very excellent libopenapi library from pb33f. Five out of five stars. Highly recommend. It can handle just about any kind of weird, fancy, or crazy OpenAPI doc you want to write, but it's also like programming your VCR. That's a dated references, but the retro styling of his website suggests.
Anyway, this provides a DSL for generating OpenAPI 3.0 specs in Go. That, by itself, is probably not very interesting, but it does help infer your schemas from Go functions and Go types, which can greatly simplify things. Consider the ubiquitous Petstore example, here using the ARRest DSL:
package main
import (
type Pet struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
type Pets []Pet
type Error struct {
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func ListPets(limit int32) (Pets, error) {
// This is where you would put your implementation of ListPets
return nil, nil
func CreatePets(pet Pet) error {
// This is where you would put your implementation of CreatePets
return nil
func ShowByPetID(petID string) (*Pet, error) {
// This is where you would put your implementation of ShowByPetID
return nil, nil
func main() {
doc, err := arrest.NewDocument("Swagger Petstore")
if err != nil {
listPets := arrest.ParametersFromReflect(reflect.TypeOf(ListPets)).
P(0, func(p *arrest.Parameter) {
Summary("List all pets").
Response("200", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("A list of pets").
Header("x-next", arrest.ModelFrom[string](), func(h *arrest.Header) {
h.Description("A link to the next page of responses")
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Pets]())
Response("default", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("unexpected error").
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Error]())
Summary("Create a pet").
RequestBody("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Pet]()).
Response("201", func(r *arrest.Response) { r.Description("Null response") }).
Response("default", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("unexpected error").
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Error]())
showByPetId := arrest.ParametersFromReflect(reflect.TypeOf(ShowByPetID)).
P(0, func(p *arrest.Parameter) {
Description("The ID of the pet to retrieve")
Summary("Info for a specific pet").
Response("200", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("Expected response to a valid request").
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Pet]())
Response("default", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("unexpected error").
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Error]())
if doc.Err() != nil {
rend, err := doc.OpenAPI.Render()
if err != nil {
The aim is to be able to speed up building your specs while still giving you full flexibility. This tool is aimed at the high level. If it doesn't do something yet and you think it should, PRs welcome. However, in the meantime, you can just use the OpenAPI
struct directly to modify it using "hard mode". In face, if you can come up with the standardized method this way first, that will make the PR all the easier.
That's a Domain Specific Language for those who may not know. This library is based around building a sort of DSL inside of Go. It makes heavy use of method chaining to help abbreviate the code necessary to build a spec. This takes a little getting used.
The chaining is setup to be used in paragraphs or stanzas around the primary components. We consider the following pieces to be primary components:
- Document
- Operation
Therefore, the encouraged style is to build up the Document and then build up each Operation. Each primary component returns the component object and then all the methods of the primary only return that object.
doc := arrest.NewDocument("My API").AddServer("")
doc.Get("/path").Summary("Get a thing") // and on
doc.Post("/path").Summary("Post a thing") // and on
Within each primary there are secondary components. To avoid breaking up your primary paragraphs, these do not return the different types for configuration but make use of callbacks or inner constructors.
doc.Get("/path").Summary("Get a thing").
p.P(0, func(p *arrest.Parameter) {
Response("200", func(r *arrest.Response) {
r.Description("The thing").
Content("application/json", arrest.ModelFrom[Thing]())
Finally, when you're finished you need to check to see if errors occurred. The system should not panic, but it records errors as it goes. You can check for them at the end, or any time in the middle by calling the Err()
method on the document. You can check for errors in operations or other parts as well. Errors all flow upward to the parent component, but you can check them at any level:
if doc.Err() != nil {
// handle the error here, of course
go get
This library is being deliberately design in such a way as to be replaced with a second version later. Some of the issues are complicated and I want a bad implementation that gets me started so I can explore issues and then work my way toward a better solution.
For example, I would like the ./gin
package to perform code generation of the
handlers to build REST APIs that resemble regular Go code. But to get there I
need to have a good handle on how I want those handlers to look like before I
can start building those templates. In the meantime, the package merely provides
some helps toward integrating with the Gin framework.
Thanks to pb33f for the excellent libopenapi library. This library is built on top of that one.
Also thanks to Adrian Hesketh whose library provided some inspiration for this library.