RLP serialization as defined in Ethereum Yellow Paper allowing the encoding of arbitrary data and the later decoding of such data. Intended for use with Ethereum transactions or data over the network.

ethereum, lgpl, library, parsing, Propose Tags , Data.Serialize.RLP, Ethereum Yellow Paper, data, protocol, serialization
cabal install RLP-1.1.1


RLP: Recursive Length Prefix

Build Status

This package implements the Recursive Length Prefix protocol defined in the Ethereum Yellow Paper used for serializing and deserializing structures into an array of bytes.

For more information, please check the haddock documentation (can be generated running cabal haddock on the root of the repo).


On 1.1.0 error handling was coded as a safe way to fail on the decoding through Eithers. Usage of >=1.1 is quite advised.

Installation can be easily done through cabal as the package is in Hackage. cabal install RLP should be enough.


Feel free to contribute. I think the error handling part could be improved.