Please see

bsd3, library, test, Graflog.Console, Graflog.Logger
cabal install graflog-6.1.5



Monadic correlated log events!

##To Use:

  • given a data type:

    data UserSpec = UserSpec
      { email :: Email
      , password :: Text
      , name :: Text
      } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

    we can create an instance of ToLog:

    instance ToLog UserSpec where
      toLog UserSpec{email, name} =
          [ pair "email" email
          , pair "password" Redacted
          , pair "name" name ]

    and derive JSON instances of that:

    deriveJSON defaultOptions ''UserSpec

    which can then be logged inside a monad:

    foo = do
      let jimbo = UserSpec (Email "" ...)
      logJSON $ Event (CorrelationId 0) (EventId 0) "User" (toLog jimbo)
      return jimbo
  • you must force stdout to flush after each line, or logs won't appear in a timely manner: call Graflog.Console.enableStdoutLineBuffering at the top of your main function.

  • CorrelationId and EventId generation are not yet supported, so you must create an event manually:

    • inside do notation: let event = Event (CorrelationId 0) (EventId 0)
    • followed at some point by: logJSON $ event (Action "some kind of metadata") (toLog dataToLog)

##To Do:

  • CorrelationId and EventId generation
  • Generic derivation of ToLog / ToJSON instances
  • Support for non-JSON logging?