
This package provides a monad transformer that helps create “mocks” of mtl-style typeclasses, intended for use in unit tests. A mock can be executed by providing a sequence of expected monadic calls and their results, and the mock will verify that the computation conforms to the expectation. For more information, see the module documentation for Control.Monad.Mock.

library, testing, Propose Tags , Control.Monad.Mock, Control.Monad.Mock.TH, see the documentation on Hackage
cabal install monad-mock-


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monad-mock is a Haskell package that provides a monad transformer to help create “mocks” of mtl-style typeclasses, intended for use in unit tests. A mock can be executed by providing a sequence of expected monadic calls and their results, and the mock will verify that the computation conforms to the expectation.

For example, imagine a MonadFileSystem typeclass, which describes a class of monads that may perform filesystem operations:

class Monad m => MonadFileSystem m where
  readFile :: FilePath -> m String
  writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()

Using MockT, it’s possible to test computations that use MonadFileSystem in a completely pure way:

copyFile :: MonadFileSystem m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
copyFile a b = do
  x <- readFile a
  writeFile b x

makeMock "FileSystemAction" [ts| MonadFileSystem |]

spec = describe "copyFile" $
  it "reads a file and writes its contents to another file" $
    evaluate $ copyFile "foo.txt" "bar.txt"
      & runMock [ ReadFile "foo.txt" :-> "contents"
                , WriteFile "bar.txt" "contents" :-> () ]

For more information, see the documentation on Hackage.