
This is the extension of two other popular packages, mono-traversable and keys, designed to provided the functionality of the keys package to the monomorphic containers enhanced by the mono-traversable package.

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cabal install mono-traversable-keys-0.3.0


Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key

Build Status License FreeBSD Hackage Stackage Nightly Stackage LTS

Provides type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers in the following ways:

  • zipping
  • adjusting an element at a key
  • safe indexing with a key
  • unsafe indexing with a key
  • mapping with a key
  • folding with a key
  • traversing with a key
  • zipping with a key

This package is the extension of two other popular libraries, mono-traversable and keys, designed to provided the functionality of the keys package to the monomorphic containers enhanced by the mono-traversable package.