
Support for encoding/decoding UTF-7 strings into Text

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cabal install text-utf7-



Build Status

This module provides UTF-7 encoding/decoding for Data.Text values in Haskell. It is based very closely on the equivalent UTF-8 functions in Data.Text itself.

Currently it only supports IMAP's modified UTF-7 specification, but I hope to add support for standard UTF-7 in the future.


One of the biggest contributions you could make is just by making use of the library and filing bug reports on the github issues page! When filing bug reports, please provide either:

  • A new (failing) test case as a pull request (you get special magic brownie points if you do this and I'll probably try and fix it quicker)
  • or, just a sample string which will break it in the body of the message.

If you'd like to fix the bug yourself, even better! Please include a test case with your pull request, and provide a good commit message so that I can review your change easily.



Released under the BSD3 licence; see LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) Daniel P. Wright 2014.