
Haskell bindings to Facebook's Yoga layout library

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cabal install yoga-



Build Status Haskell bindings to Facebook's Yoga layout library.

These bindings run roushshod over cabal's best practices for including C sources. Yoga is mostly implemented in C++, with a C-based header file used for interfacing with other languages. Since we include the source, most of the files that are passed to the C compiler are in fact C++. With gcc, this isn't too big a problem, and most distributions of ghc come with their own gcc. However, on certain platforms like OS X, the version of gcc is much older than what is able to discern usage of --std=c++11 between C and C++ files. While all of the sources for Yoga are C++, hsc2hs generates a single C file that is used as an interface between the two. This means that we're mixing C++ and C files, and we need a compiler that can take a common set of flags for both. For that reason, if you use this library, we suggest that you install a recent version of gcc to use with ghc. Version 7+ seems to work.