
awslambda-neko is a neko runtime environment for aws lambda

awslambda, neko, serverless
haxelib install awslambda-neko 0.0.1


AWS Lambda Neko Runtime

AWS Lambda is a serverless architecture that can run microservices written in haxe and compiled to neko. This project contains the neko runtime as well as an example microservice implementation.

Building and Installing

To build the runtime, run the build script included in this project. This will create two zip files in the dist directory.

  1. is the neko runtime
  2. is the example implementation

To install the runtime

  1. Create a lambda layer
  2. Create a new version for the new lambda layer
  3. Upload and save
  4. Create lambda function
  5. Set the Runtime to 'custom'
  6. Add the new layer you created to the new lambda function
  7. upload and save

note: The 'Handler' configuration parameter from the lambda function code configuration panel is not used.

The example lambda function is set up and ready. Here are some test inputs:

  1. {"a": 1, "b": 2} // returns sum=3
  2. {"a": 1.1, "b": -2.3} // returns sum=-1.2
  3. {"a": "car", "b": 2} // returns validation error
  4. {"one": 1} // returns validation error


To write your own lambda implementation, extend awslambda.base.LambdaFunction and fill in lambdaHandler(). The request event will be passed in as an anonymous object. lambdaHandler should return an anonymous object with the response, or throw a string containing an error message on failure.

Compile with -lib awslambda-neko to get the definition of awslambda.base.LambdaFunction.

The main function that creates your object and calls run() on the super class is required.

import awslambda.base.LambdaFunction;

class YourLambdaFunction extends LambdaFunction {
    public function new() {

    private override function lambdaHandler( event ){
        // validate input

        // your implementation here

        // return response as an anonymous object
        return {};

    public static function main() {
        new YourLambdaFunction().run();