CSS-Selector With a Modified Xml Parser(with the position info)

cross, css, selector, utility, xml, css-selector
haxelib install csss 0.6.0


CSS Selector

CSS-Selector With a Modified Xml Parser. Note: the parsed XML instance will not contain empty TextNodes.

  • Provide extra position info that can be used to locate the attr/value.

  • Ease To Use.

    uses .querySelector/one or .querySelectorAll/all to query XML. e.g. xml.all("a:not([href='#'])").

    supported descendant selector:

    E :   supported
    E F : supported
    E > F : supported
    E + F : supported  Note: Partial
    E ~ F : supported  Note: Partial


import csss.xml.Xml;
using csss.Query;

class Main {
    static function main() {

    macro static function mymacro() {
        var myxml = "bin/index.html";
        var file = sys.io.File.getContent(myxml);
        var body = Xml.parse(file).querySelector("body");

        var x = body.querySelector("#t3 > li span");                         // equal body.one("#t3 > li span")
        trace(x != null ? x.toSimpleString() : x);

        var a = body.querySelectorAll(".selector-test > :nth-child(2n+1)");  // equal body.all("...")
        for (x in a) {
        var value = body.get("class");
        if (value != "expected") {
            var p = body.attrPos("class");
            var pos = haxe.macro.PositionTools.make({
                min: p,
                max: p + value.length,
                file: myxml
            haxe.macro.Context.error("click this message to location where the error occurred.", pos);
        return macro null;


  • [Insolvable] Do not suport escaped single/double quotes.

    e.g: a[title="hi \"name\"."] will get a unexpected value.

  • Do not suport two consecutive + or ~.

    Invalid: "li + li + li", "li ~ li ~ li", "li + li ~ li", "li ~ li + li"

    Available: "li + li > li", "li + li li", "li li + li", "li > li > li"


  • x.x.x:
    • removed uppercase
  • 0.5.0: rewritten the Query.search