
A CSV format library for Haxe

cross, parser
haxelib install csv 0.4.0


A CSV format library for Haxe

Essentially a cross-platform streaming reader with support for UTF-8 and variable control strings (end of line sequence, separator and escape characters).

The writer has yet to be implemented.

Build Status



import format.csv.*;

var csv:String;  // some data in CSV

trace(Reader.parseCsv(csv));       // native strings, default control strings ,"\n
trace(Utf8Reader.parseCsv(csv));   // ensure proper Utf8 handling (not always necessary)
trace(Reader.parseCsv(csv, "|"));  // use | for separator

Streams (haxe.io.Input):

import format.csv.*;

var input:haxe.io.Input;    // CSV data in a File, Socket or other Input subclass

// create a reader
var reader = new Reader();  // optionally specify different separator, escape or EOL strings

// open the stream
reader.open(null, input);  // a string or a combination of both string and input can also be used
                            // to reset; the reader will always try to start with the string and
                            // then pass to the stream

// use the iterable interface
for (record in reader)
    trace(record);  // do some work, without first having to read the entire stream
// OR read everything

Using as static extensions of String and Input:

using format.csv.Reader;  // OR format.csv.Utf8Reader

var csv:String;  // some data in CSV
var input:haxe.io.Input;    // CSV data in a File, Socket or other Input subclass

// statically extending String
trace(csv.parseCsv());       // native strings, default control strings ,"\n
trace(csv.parseCsv("|"));    // use | for separator

// statically extending Input
// use the iterable interface
for (record in input.readCsv())
// OR read everything


The reader uses a recursive descent parser. Although it's arguably more verbose than other implementations, specially those without simultaneous support for streams (haxe.io.Input) and UTF-8, the code should be quite easy to read, debug or change.

Almost everything needed for UTF-8 support comes from haxe.Utf8, except for a reimplementation of the validation function for bytes. This is needed for all targets with pre-defined string encoding; on them, creating a string from invalid or incomplete bytes will result in a error, either immediately or when they're first used.