
OpenFL Game Circle extension for Android and Kindle devices.

api, game-circle, gamecircle, games, gc, openfl, social
haxelib install extension-gamecircle 1.1.2



OpenFL extension for "Game Circle" on Android and Kindle devices.

Main features

  • Achievements (Complete, send progress, reveal/unhide, display achievements screen).
  • Scoreboards (Submit scores, display scoreboard).
  • Game Circle sign - in (Log - in whit Amazon).
  • Cloud storage support - Whispersync (for storing progress / scores).
  • Callback events for onCloudComplete (read from cloud) and onCloudConflict (version conflict on cloud).
  • Manual conflict resolution. You can change that by implementing the onCloudConflict method.

Simple use example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gc.GameCircle;

class MainClass {

    function init() {
        // First of all, call init on the main method.
        // The only parameter is to enable Whispersync.
        // Note, the init method automatically make the Login With Amazon. 

    function displayScoreboard() {
        // To open one specific scoreboard, the scoreboard id is in your "GameCircle Developer Console".

        // To show all scoreboards.

    function displayAchievements() {
        // To display the achievements.

    function submitScoresAndAchievements() {
        // To set 234 points on scoreboard (Int data type).
        GameCircle.setScore("Your-scoreboard-id", 234); 

        // To set 234 points on scoreboard (Long data type).
        GameCircle.setScore64("Your-scoreboard-id", 234); 

        // To set one achievement to progress to 30.

        // To unlock / complete one achievement.

        // Please note that all this functions returns false if the onServicesNotReady in initialize method is invoked.
        // However, return true if the client has successfully initialized (onServiceReady in initialize method).


Cloud Storage use example

// This example show a simple use case.

import extension.gc.GameCircle;

class SomeClass {

    function new() {
        GameCircle.onCloudComplete = onCloudComplete;
        GameCircle.onCloudConflict = onCloudConflict;

    function saveToCloud(id:String, data:String) {
        GameCircle.cloudSet(id, data);

    function loadFromCloud(id:String) {

    function onCloudComplete(id:String, data:String) {
        trace("Data on record: "+id+" is: "+data);

    function onCloudConflict(id:String, localValue:String, serverValue:String) {
        trace("Conflict on record: "+id+". Local: "+localValue+" - Server: "+serverValue);


Get player score example

// This example show a simple use case whit the method getPlayerScore.
// Explanations whit the methods getCurrentAchievementSteps and
// getAchievementStatus.

import extension.gc.GameCircle;

class MainClass {

    function new() {
        // First of all, call init on the main method.
        // The only parameter is to enable Whispersync.
        // Note, the init method automatically make the Login With Amazon.

        // Set up the player score result event callback first, always before init().
        // Work with Int data type.
        GameCircle.onGetPlayerScore = playerScoreCallback;

        // Work with Long data type.
        GameCircle.onGetPlayerScore64 = playerScore64Callback; 

    function getPlayerScoreFromScoreboard() {
        // Call getPlayerScore passing the idScoreboard.
        // This function returns false if the onServicesNotReady in initialize method is invoked.
        // Same function for both data types (Int/Long).

    function playerScoreCallback(idScoreboard:String, score:Int):Void {
        // This function must be adapted to your game logic.
        Lib.trace("ID Scoreboard: "+ idScoreboard +". Score: "+ score);

    function playerScoreCallback64(idScoreboard:String, score:Int64):Void {
        // This function must be adapted to your game logic.
        Lib.trace("ID Scoreboard: "+ idScoreboard +". Score: "+ score);

    // Note that, the functions:
    //          * GameCircle.getCurrentAchievementSteps("your-achievement-id")
    //          * GameCircle.getAchievementStatus("your-achievement-id")
    // Works with the same logic. Both must be set up the result event callback first.
    //          * GameCircle.onGetPlayerAchievementStatus = callbackStatus;
    //          * GameCircle.onGetPlayerCurrentSteps = callbackSteps;
    // Both functions returns false if the user is not logged into the game.
    //          * function callbackStatus(idAchievement:String, status:String): Void
    //          * function callbackSteps(idAchievement:String, steps:Int): Void


How to Install

Once this is done, you just need to add this to your project.xml

<haxelib name="extension-gamecircle" />
<assets path="assets/api_key.txt" rename="api_key.txt" if="android"/> <!-- Replace this with your GameCircle ApyKey generated in "GameCircle Developer Console"! -->


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The MIT License (MIT) - LICENSE.md

Copyright © 2015 Cristian Costa