
Class mapping 2-letter language iso639-1 standard codes to `english name` and `native name`

i18n, iso, iso639-1, languages, lg
haxelib install iso639-1 1.1.0


Haxe Iso639-1 class

ISO 639-1 defines Two-letter Codes standard for the Representation of Names of Languages. It has been (re-)confirmed in 2019, so, like Intel vulns, it is here to stay.

It defines the following codes for Haxe:

ab aa af ak sq am ar an hy as av ae ay az bm ba eu be bn bh bi bs br bg my ca ch ce ny zh cv kw co cr hr cs da dv nl en eo et ee fo fj fi fr ff gl ka de el gn gu ht ha he hz hi ho hu ia id ie ga ig ik io is it iu ja jv kl kn kr ks kk km ki rw ky kv kg ko ku kj la lb lg li ln lo lt lu lv gv mk mg ml mt mi mr mh mn na nv nb nd ne ng nn no ii nr oc oj cu om or os pa pi fa pl ps pt qu rm rn ro ru sa sc sd se sm sg sr gd sn si sk sl so st es su sw ss sv ta te tg th ti bo tk tl tn to tr ts tt tw ty ug uk ur uz ve vi vo wa cy wo fy xh yi yo za zh

And associates them to:

  • an english language name, e.g. "Finnish"
  • a nativeName, e.g. "suomi",
  • a rtf Bool (i.e. is it right-to-left language).

This class is @:pure, i.e. devoid of side-effects (see below).


var lg = new Iso639_1();
lg.exists("en");         // true
lg.exists("foo");        // false"de");           // Some("german")
lg.nativeName("el");     // Some("Ελληνικά")
lg.isRightToLeft("foo"); // None
lg.isRightToLeft("ar");  // Some(true)

lg.lg("en");             // Some(Lg)

Lg is defined as:

typedef Lg = {
    final code   : String;  // "el"
    final en     : String;  // "greek"
    final native : String;  // "Ελληνικά"
    final rtl    : Bool;    // false


The class is always pure (side-effect free). Object once built is read-only.

If the tink_pure library is used in your project, the class internally uses tink.pure.Mapping instead of a haxe Map. This is probably useless, it only prevents theorical possible modification to it using @:privateAccess.

Some mappings like this can be useful in your code, e.g. in a coconut app:

import Iso639_1;
private static final _iso639_1 = new Iso639_1();
public static final lgs : tink.pure.List<Lg> = _iso639_1.array();
public inline static function lg(code:String) : haxe.ds.Option<Lg> return _iso639_1.lg(code);

Then you've got a pure list of Lg called lgs, and a method lg(code:String):Option<Lg> to work with, where Lg is pure and you don't need to mess with the class itself anymore, everything is in Lg.

Customizing the list

Though the base list is normally as complete as the ISO standard is at the moment, you may want to modify some names yourself depending on the needs and tone of your application.

For instance, chinese native could be wanted to be expressed as "汉语" or "漢語" instead of as "中文" as it is now...

You can make special modifications like this when you first instantiate an object (preferably once in your app):

var lg = new Iso639_1( [ "zh" => { native: "汉语" } ] );   

All keys you try to redefine must exist in the standard. The constructor signature is:

function new(?customized:Map<String, { ?en: String, ?native: String, ?rtl: Bool }>)


    ?en     : String,    // the name of the language in english (e.g. "japanese“)
    ?native : String,    // the name of the language in itself (e.g. "日本語“)
    ?rtl    : Bool,      // right-to-left language? The only case when you would want 
                         //   to customize that is if you discover the current data
                         //   has invalid value of rtl for one of the languages.

For instance:

final lg = new Iso639_1([
    "en" => { native: "The Language of Shakespeare" }, 
    "zh" => { native: "汉语", en: "Chinese (simplified)", rtl: false },

That's all for now, have fun.