
pure haxe implementation for arbitrary-precision integer

arbitrary, bigint, integer, math, precision, arbitrary-precision, haxe
haxelib install littleBigInt 0.1.3



pure haxe implementation for arbitrary-precision integer

This lib was designed and optimized for fast Karatsuba multiplicaton.
Works with haxe-version 3.4.4 and up to 4.2. Tested on hashlink, cpp, neko and javascript targets.


haxelib install littleBigInt

or use the latest developement version from github:

haxelib git littleBigInt


To perform benchmarks or unit-tests call the test.hx hxp script.

install hxp via:

haxelib install hxp
haxelib run hxp --install-hxp-alias

then simple call hxp test hl neko ..., hxp bench ... or
hxp help into projectfolder to see more targetspecific options.

To add a new benchmark you only need to put a new .hx file into benchmarks-folder.


Creating BigInts

// from Integers
var a:BigInt = 5;
var b = BigInt.fromInt(5);

// from Strings
var a:BigInt = "127"; // default is in decimal notation
var b = BigInt.fromString("127");

// or use a prefix to define the number format
var a:BigInt = "0x ffff 0000";   // hexadecimal
var b:BigInt = "0o 01234567 10"; // octal
var c:BigInt = "0b 00111010";    // binary  

// helpers to create from different formats
BigInt.fromHexString("aaFF 01e3");
BigInt.fromOctalString("7724 1160");
BigInt.fromBinaryString("0010 1101");
BigInt.fromBaseString("2010221101102", 3); // to number base 3

// you can also define values on demand inside brackets like:
var x = (2147483647:BigInt) * ("1 000 000 000   000 000 000":BigInt);
trace(x); // 2147483647000000000000000000

// from Bytes
var bytes = Bytes.ofString("A");
var a = BigInt.fromBytes(bytes);
trace(a); // 65

Signing and the zero value

// signs has to be placed at first of notation
var a:BigInt = "-0xFF";

// the 'null' value is equivalent to 0
var zero:BigInt = 0;
trace( zero );         // null
trace( zero.toInt() ); // 0

Different output formats

var a = BigInt.fromBaseString("01234", 5);

// convert into native integer
trace(  a.toInt()  ); // -> 194  (throws out an error if 'a' not fit into)

// convert into String for different number bases
trace( a.toString() );          // decimal:    "194"
trace( a.toBinaryString() );   // binary: "11000010"
trace( a.toOctalString() );   // octal:        "302"
trace( a.toHexString() );    // hexadecimal:    "c2"
trace( a.toBaseString(7) ); // base 7:         "365"

// create spacings
trace( a.toBinaryString(4) );   //   1100 0010
trace( a.toBinaryString(3) );   // 011 000 010

// store into Bytes
var bytes:Bytes = a.toBytes();
trace(bytes.length); // 1

Arithmetic operations

var a:BigInt = 3;
var b:BigInt = 7;

// addition and subtraction
trace(a + b); // 10

// increment and decrement
trace(++a); // 3
trace(a++); // 4
trace( a ); // 5

// negation
trace( -a ); // -5

// multiplication
trace( a * b ); // 35

// division with remainder
a = 64;
b = 30;
var result = BigInt.divMod(a, b);
trace( result.quotient, result.remainder ); // 2, 4

// integer division
trace( a / b); // 3 (same as result.quotient)

// modulo
trace( a % b); // 4 (same as result.remainder)

// power
trace( a.pow(b) ); // 1532495540865888858358347027150309183618739122183602176

// power modulo
trace( a.powMod(b, 10000) ); // 2176

// absolute value
a = -5;
b = 3;
trace( a.abs() ); // 5
trace( b.abs() ); // 3


All comparing operators >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
work like default and return the expected boolean value.

Bitwise Operations

For positive values all the operations work the same as they do with integers
but because there is no sign-bit, with negative numbers it doesn't make sense outside of two's complement.

var a:BigInt = "0b 01010111";
var b:BigInt = "0b 11001100";

// bitwise AND
trace( (a & b).toBinaryString(8) ); // 01000100

// bitwise OR
trace( (a | b).toBinaryString(8) ); // 11011111

// bitwise XOR
trace( (a ^ b).toBinaryString(8) ); // 10011011

//complement (NOT)
trace( (~a).toBinaryString(8) );    //-01011000

// bitshifting left
trace( (a << 2).toBinaryString(8, false) );  // 1 01011100

// bitshifting right
trace( (a >>  3).toBinaryString() ); // 1010
trace( (a >>> 3).toBinaryString() ); // 1010

Let me know if something's mising ~^


  • haxelib run command to invoke the hxp testscripts from libfolder

  • fixing output with leading zeros

  • optional exponential notation for decimals

  • optional great letters for hexadecimal output

  • more benchmarks

  • optimizing division (toInt() without bitsize-check)

  • optimizing with haxe.Int64 chunks

  • targetspecific optimizations for the chunk-arrays

  • make &, |, ^ bitwise operations with negative values more "two's complement"-compatible