
Cross-platform library for accessing cryptographic secure numbers from the target's cryptographic random number generator

cross, random
haxelib install trandom 1.0.0



trandom is a cross-platform Haxe library for accessing cryptographic secure numbers from the target's cryptographic random number generator.

Supported targets

Target Source
CPP (C++) See Sys. Windows: RtlGenRandom
CS (C#)
Flash (SWF) flash.crypto.generateRandomBytes
Hashlink See Sys. Windows: RtlGenRandom
JS HTML: window.crypto, Nodejs: crypto.randomBytes
Lua See Sys. Windows: not implemented
Neko See Sys. Windows: RtlGenRandom
PHP random_int
Python os.urandom
Sys Any OS that provides /dev/urandom, /dev/random

Getting started


  • Haxe 3 or 4


Download and install the library using haxelib:

haxelib install trandom

Or you may install it directly from GitHub:

haxelib git

Or finally for the security minded, you may install from a ZIP file release after verifying its signature:

haxelib install


trandom only provides one API method:

import trandom.TargetRandom;
public static function random():Int

Returns a signed 32-bit integer from the target's cryptographic secure random number generator.

If there is no secure source, a String exception is thrown. Other exceptions may be thrown by the underlying target.

Depending on the operating system, this method may block for a long period of time until there is sufficient entropy.


The following example shows how to convert the value to a byte array:

import trandom.TargetRandom;

class Main {
    public static function main() {
        var randomValue = TargetRandom.random();
        trace(randomValue); // => Int

        var bytes =;
        bytes.setInt32(0, randomValue);

Platform notes


A macro will automatically add -D trandom_windows to the Haxe compiler config. This define will enable the call to RtlGenRandom for targets that don't provide a builtin API to a cryptographic source. It uses the target's foreign function interface system to bind with trandom's native C code. If you don't want this behavior, add -D trandom_no_auto_ffi.


The hdll library trandom.hdll needs to be included with your application. A prebuilt library is included in the release ZIP file.

To build it manually using MinGW-w64:

i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe -O -D HASHLINK_DLL_EXPORTS -fPIC -shared -std=c11 -o trandom.hdll trandom_native.c -I hl-1.9.0-win/include

Adjust paths in the command as needed.


The hdll library trandom.hdll needs to be included with your application. A prebuilt library is included in the release ZIP file.

To build it manually using MinGW-w64:

i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe -O -D NEKOVM_DLL_EXPORTS -fPIC -shared -std=c11 -o trandom.hdll trandom_native.c -I $NEKO_INSTPATH/include -L $NEKO_INSTPATH -lneko

Adjust paths in the command as needed.

CPP - MinGW-w64 (Optional)

The library is statically linked in the hxcpp pipeline, so no dll needs to be built. The following is extra information for those who want to use MingGW instead of Visual Studio.

If you are having trouble getting hxcpp to use Visual Studio for compilation, you can use MingGW-w64.

To enable compilation by MinGW, add this to %HOMEPATH%/.hxcpp_config.xml under the "VARS" section:

<set name="mingw" value="1" />

If needed, add the path to MinGW-w64:

<set name="MINGW_ROOT" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\mingw-w64\i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32" />


Use -swf-version 11 or greater version number in your Haxe compiler config to access the Flash crypto package API. The default is 10.0. At the time of writing, the current version is 43.


  • Don't fallback to using Math.random or Sys.random for cryptographic purposes
  • If used in a virtual machine with snapshots, the returned values may be the same
  • The quality of randomness is determined by the target or platform
  • Be aware of DLL injection attacks (for hdll and ndll libraries)


  • Use a libsodium Haxe binding to randombytes_random()
    • libsodium also includes many other cross-platform methods. If you are using trandom for cryptographic purposes, it probably would be easier to use libsodium throughout.
  • On native platforms, you can use callfunc to call libsodium or OS functions directly.


If you have a bug report or issue, please file an issue. If you would like to fix a bug or implement support for more platforms/targets, please make a pull request.