
Access Token utility library.



Access Token

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Access token utility library.


Add Access Token to your project's dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:access_token, "~> 2.0"}]

And fetch your project's dependencies:

$ mix deps.get


Access Token provides a simple interface to generate access tokens:

iex> AccessToken.generate()
iex> AccessToken.generate(20)


AccessToken.Plug is a plug for extracting the access token from the request.

The token may be sent by the request either via the params (access_token by default) or authorization headers (Authorization: Bearer <access token> by default).

To use it, just plug it into the desired module:

plug AccessToken.Plug

If present, the access token will be accessible through the assigns map of the connection.



  • :param - The name of the HTTP request parameter to check for the access token. Default value is access_token.

    plug AccessToken.Plug, param: "token"
  • :http_header - The name of the HTTP request header to check for the access token. Default value is authorization.

    plug AccessToken.Plug, http_header: "custom-authorization"
  • :http_header_prefix - The prefix of the HTTP request authorization header. Default value is Bearer.

    plug AccessToken.Plug, http_header_prefix: "Token"
  • :assign_to - The name of the key to assign the access token. Defaults to :access_token

    plug AccessToken.Plug, assign_to: :token
  • :error_status - The status code to be returned in case the access token is not present. The status can be nil, an integer or an atom. The list of allowed atoms is available in Plug.Conn.Status. Defaults to :unauthorized

    plug AccessToken.Plug, error_status: :forbidden
  • :error_handler - The function to be called in case the access token is not present. The :error_handler is set using a {module, function, args} tuple. The function will receive the conn followed by the list of args provided.

    plug AccessToken.Plug,
      error_handler: {Phoenix.Controller, :render, [MyAppWeb.ErrorView, "401.json"]}


Documentation is available at


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Running tests

Clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd access_token
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

Building docs

$ mix docs

Copyright and License

Copyright 2017 Fernando Tapia Rico

Access Token source code is licensed under the MIT License.