
Runs health-check functions periodically, and aggregates health status reports.

elixir-lang, elixir-library, monitoring



Runs health-check functions periodically, and aggregates health status reports.

(AKA Elixir implementation of FT Health-Check standard).

Hex pm Inline docs Build Status

fettle noun - "his best players were in fine fettle": shape, trim, fitness, physical fitness, health, state of health; condition, form, repair, state of repair, state, order, working order, way; informal: kilter; British informal: nick.

This library implents an asynchronous periodic check mechanism, and defines a way of configuring checks, and getting reports in a particular format. It is intended for use with monitoring and dashboards.

Ships with the FT Health Check V1 schema format for report generation, but the schema is configurable.

See also

Getting Started


Add a dependency in your mix.exs config:

def deps do
    {:fettle, "~> 1.0"}

For the bleeding edge:

def deps do
    {:fettle, github: "Financial-Times/fettle"}


Add Fettle.Supervisor to your supervision tree1, e.g. in your Application.start/2:

def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
        {Fettle.Supervisor, []},

    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

or otherwise call Fettle.Supervisor.start_link/1.

By default Fettle will load configuration from the :fettle application config key, the minimum required configuration for start-up is:

config :fettle,
    system_code: "my_app"

where system_code is a code used in reports; see below for other options.

  • [1] - this changed in v1.0.0 - was auto-starting OTP application.

Defining checks

The fettle_checks module provides pre-canned checks, but to write your own, implement a module with the Fettle.Checker @behaviour that runs a check, and returns a Fettle.Check.Result struct:

defmodule MyCheck do
  @behaviour Fettle.Checker

  def check(args) do
    case do_check(args) do  # assume do_check/1 does something useful!
      :ok -> 
      {:error, message} -> 

Then configure this check, with some required metadata, in the :fettle configuration:

config :fettle,
    system_code: "my_app", # required (for reports)
    checks: [
            name: "my-check",
            panic_guide_url: "https://...",
            business_impact: "...",
            technical_summary: "..."
            checker: MyCheck, # name of our check module
            args: "url_or_something" # arguments to the checker module (optional)

On start-up, Fettle will start running your check, by default every 30 seconds, and you can retrieve the results using Fettle.report/1.

fettle_plug can then be used to expose the results over an HTTP end-point.

See module docs for full details.